Marshal, Please Calm DownCh066 - Delicious Insects


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Translator's Note

This is the French term adopted even in English to refer to head of hotel, person in charge of the restaurant etc etc.

Translator's Note

吃螃蟹 -> the first to try something that others wouldn’t

Translator's Note


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  1. Lmao Wu Zimo and his love for food is too cute♡ Though the food doesn’t sounds so appetizing 😅 And Scott just there to accompany WZM and admire him lol

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  2. The descriptions of the smell of the dishes thankfully make them sound delicious, so I’m trying my best to not imagine how they look like, and instead wonder what Scott’s reaction to the taste will be like ^^;

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. It sounds like a date Between Wu Zimo and weird food,where Scott is just the third wheel lol😂

  4. Crabs and lobster’s are closer to bugs genetically than anything else. I can totally see eating a giant scorpion, especially if it’s presented like a lobster. Crack open those claws!

    I do have a problem with fried tarantulas, which is a thing, but scorpions less so.

  5. im crying on behalf of scott….. zimo pls, if you invite someone out to dinner, try to have some of their favorite foods available and not just your whacky taste buds…. do you know how much scott was looking forward to this…………

    never mind, if Scott intends to be a pair, then he should also become accustomed to the things xiao momo likes. if he can be scared away so easily, how can he possibly be worthy?

    Now I really feel like the thing in the meng egg should be some kind of bird! Zimo likes eating insects so much, then what else could it be! Anyway, cats eat birds, so that would explain meng egg’s grievances

  6. OMG!!!!😱 🤢 Sorry, no just no. Otherwise cute chapter was destroyed by the menu… I mean I know that people eat those things, but this menu is too much for me. Nevertheless, waiting for the next chapter, Scott’s reaction and Wu Zimo’s answer will be hard. I thought that all that talk about how tormented Rocard was, was just an exaggeration, but now… Rocard Dage, you have my respect!!!

    Callis, thank you for the chapter and for enduring!!!

  7. I see in comments that they are nauseated by foods 😅 It looks like it’s just me who is salivating like Wu Zimo 🤣😅

  8. The description sound so delicious~ I wanna try eating insects now 😂

    Actually I’m fine with trying everything as long as it’s not alive and doesn’t look/smell too disgusting and now I’m hungry.

    Thanks for the chapter 😊

    • Yay I am not the only one! It sounds delicious 🤤 to me and actually getting me hungry which is perfect since I will be going out to eat with a friend😆. I love trying new things no matter what it is. Wu Zimo and both of us would most likely make great foodie friends~ Also 😂 poor Wu Zimo Scott seemed to hit a sore spot, hopefully Scott will be able to make a recovery, it isn’t a great idea to make your partner uncomfortable…. but I could be thinking too much after all he was just trying to understand his partner😝

  9. Ahh~ Zimo, invite me along to eat insects~ Marshal, you can have time with him later, I just want to eat with cute little Zimo~~!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  10. Wu Zimo’s choice of food has proved to be… Very challenging. Not just for the interstellar people I guess (≧▽≦)

    I wonder if the Marshal would eventually hunt zergs for dinner? Hahaha~

    Thanks for the update 💕

  11. Yeah, nope.

    But what’s with thinking that non-Chinese people don’t like white rice? I’ve never heard of anyone who didn’t like white rice… or maybe that’s just me. (Says the person with a “Got Rice?” Tee-shirt.)

  12. Uh. I can imagine how good everything tastes, but. Shrimp are almost like insects, right? Everything is easier to imagine as delicious if I just think of it as shellfish. Poor Marshal. To him, Wu Zimo must have really strange taste. Thanks for the update!

  13. Ok. I love seafood but i dont have guts to try these insects.

    Wu Zimo is funny and i feel that Scott enjoyed seeing Zimo’s reaction.

  14. I’ve tried deep fried scorpions before and I can tell you, they taste like tempura prawns. So yeah, I’m drooling OwO

  15. Reading this while eating dinner might have been a bad decision 😅😅 just reading the descriptions and imagining what the insects looked like made me forget what I was eating and either made me lose my sense of taste or change the taste of what I was eating into something different 😂😂😂

    Go Marshal! Fighting! Impress your wifey that you can also eat what he likes 😂😂😂

    Excuse me while I try to erase the image of insect food from my head 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  16. Pff finally the Marshal showed a reaction! These gossipy people, do you even remember that there’s war outside? Do even remember that Zergs exist and you just discovered that they can communicate? Do you guys remember that these things want to consume all the planets while you are gossiping? Marshal please, do not be lenient, make them train harder….

    Thank you for the chapter!

  17. Thank you for the update.

    I’m not adventurous with my menu. If I can tolerate my partner’s wild menu on daily basis, it must be true love 🤪

  18. Hhahahahaha the last line was too much for me! I was really trying to keep a straight face but Scott asking if WZ liked insects sent me!!

  19. My family also was insects and I never participate in that by this chapter made it sound delicious 😋

    Thank you for the chapter!

  20. I don’t know if I like this chapter, the author got a little too carried away with the bugs (of him wanting to eat pupa… okay but this is going a little too far for me) and stuff like I’m sorry just… just no please. Pray tell me, why would you go eat insects with your Male idol?😖😷😓

  21. As a person in a country where eating fried insects is normal. I feel like it sounds very delicious. But WZ is so cute that he’s more worried about Scott may not like white rice than insects😂