Marshal, Please Calm DownCh045 - Male God!


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  1. Are you playing the new on for switch (forgot the name) or new leaf?

    Don’t worry animal crossing has that effect on everyone, it’s a game that relaxes people and makes them forget everything, including time.



    Now I wanna play animal crossing too….

    *grabs 3ds*

    *puts in New Leaf*

    *sees all the weeds*


    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. And our dear Marshal is greatly comforted to know that his darling Wu Zimo baby has come. 🤗

    Thanks for the update, translator-san 😘

  3. >/////< finally they meet again. i think hes looking forward….

    and im looking forward to see what marshall is planning …♥

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. Now we just have to wait for the face to face meeting >___< And for Luo Ye to cook funny stuff for WZM while everyone else is shocked lolol

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/ And happy gaming~

  5. The cold and deep voice passed through the communication channel into Wu Zimo’s eats, “Welcome to Heaven’s Wrath Corps.”

    Eats? It was supposed to be ears.

    Thank you for the update.

    I suppose Scott has found his match.

  6. Aaa Zimo is too cute~ Let me hug him~ Great marshal, your little Zimo likes you so much!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  7. not face to face, but Ceasar going prowl around shamelessly to probe Wu Zimo’s chrysanthemum when he arrives?

  8. Ah one of my online friends is playing as well. Enjoy yourself! …meanwhile I am still torturing myself trying to plat Uncharted collection… 😖

  9. I can’t wait until they finally meet again in person! Wu Zimo’s teammates are so nice to worry for him. I hope they stay friends. Also, I wonder when Lyle will realize that Salah likes him.

  10. Wu Zimo lost face in front of the Marshal, but Scott was excited to see him too!

    Thanks for the chapter!