Marshal, Please Calm DownCh046 - Throwing a Meng-Selling Black Panther in Your Direction, Would You Catch It?


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Translator's Note

an Oscar

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  1. Ahhh Ceasar is so cuteeeee.

    A Mo good luck surviving Heaven’s corp with Caesar occasionally teasing you. Hahaha

  2. SO… if Caeser teases Wu Zimo in a very very very “perticular” way with that tail and cute sounds….I wonder~ if Wu Zimo’s “I don’t see or feel anything” face~ will still stay strong~~~~~??snickers *snickers**snickers* *snickers*Thanks for the chapter~~!!

  3. Haha it’s a test of Zimo’s acting skills! When will he be discovered?

    Thank you for the chapter~

  4. Heh the soldiers are going to have a lot to gossip about now.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Oh my gosh I need more Caesar reading time ( `ハ ´ ) fufufu~

  6. Caesar the petting will have to wait for later, but until then, sell as much meng as you can xDD

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/ (They finally met again :3)

  7. I can’t wait for Caesar to meet Ares!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!😍😍😍

  8. Ah ah Ahhh! >////< good job for resisting A’Mo! … I would’ve failed that test… its a meng selling panther for God’s Sake!!!… cant wait for more interactions… im remembering A’Mo freaking out over Lyle and Salahs quantum beast…. now he has to freak out for himself and Caesar … hehehe ♥ Thank you ♥

  9. I wonder how everyone will react when they find out, Wu Zimo just pretended to not notice this big black panther. 😆🤔

    Thanks for the chapter ~❤

  10. I would totally blow my cover in this situation 😂 can’t resist the big meng selling cat! I want to pet Caesar!

    Thanks for the chapter ❤😺

    Btw I’m wondering if Ares will try to get close to Scott

  11. Me : Can an egg and big kitty be cp ?

    Thousand years experienced fujoshi : Babe you are too young *pats head*

  12. Finally, my long-awaited meeting of them!!!!

    Marshal starts caring of WZM already. Hahahahaha. He’s whipped 😉

  13. Meng meng egg is joined by meng selling cat 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  14. Finally the MAIN COUPLE MEET each other… I want more scenes like this…

    Thank you all for the translation~

  15. Keep pretending A’Mo! Wait till everyone finds out about your egg 😏 I’m so glad they finally meet!!!

    Thanks for the chapter.

  16. There will come a time that WZ’s identity being a guide will be revealed due to this panther LMAO

  17. i think the marshall is not nearly as gentlemanly as he appears at first glance, afterall both times he called back caesar he did it for outside reasons. makes it seem like he would happily pull a salah if it was only the two in a room haha,

    looking forward to our iceberg showing his true colors

  18. Caesar is so cute! Spiritual animals can obviously interact with people who have awakened as a guide or sentinel, but can they move objects? For example, it would be pretty funny for an ordinary person to see a cup of water floating down the hall while Rocard can see Caesar bringing Scott some water.

  19. I was binge reading the whole story and was just about to complain that Author sama forgot to let the two protagonists meet! Thank god, things are finally moving.

  20. Caesar is a flirt! Poor Wu Zimo has it Hard. How is he going to resist!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  21. Honestly.. If I had been Ah’Mo, I would have been discovered back at the academy.. And in this situation right now, I wouldn’t mind abandoning Scott and the others alltogether, stuffing Caesar into my pocket and running away giggling… sigh Meng selling winged panther… I’m melting…

  22. ” Don’t mention it, Wu Zimo had the potential to take a little golden man .”

    Yes get that Oscar award


  23. Ordinary humans can suffer from attacks of quantum beasts… can’t they feel when they are hit/touched by one??

    • I think the reason ordinary people can still get hurt by quantum beasts is because it would be more like an attack on their spiritual power rather than physical