Marshal, Please Calm DownCh044 - Male God!


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  1. Aaa it must be the marshal~ Zimo’s idol and future hus- ahem, what?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Is it boss? xD The others would have a good look on their faces if WZM would come back with Rocard (and boss) lol

    Thx for the bonus ch \(≧▽≦)/

  3. So will Marshal’s panther come out and be rubbing itself agsinst Wu Zimo’s leg and its tail probing Wu Zimo’s behind as well!?😼

  4. I bet it’s that programmer he tortu…errr…hacked

  5. He’s going to meet the Marshal, finally!! How is the panther going to act in front of Wu Zimo this time?

    Thanks for the chapter!