I Like Your PheromonesCh61.2 - Senior 3


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  1. break up my @ss, LXC you really put my boy Xiao Duan low this time… who do you think he is? An idiot? You’re the idiot if you can’t keep someone you ‘dearly love’!!!

    • Well it makes sense it’s his biggest fear and like he said here he can’t stop himself thinking of the worst outcome like just imagine how weird that situation must have looked and also he was the one liking him first having to listen to his crush trying to get him together with other people and so on so no wonder he is still scared he probably still doesn’t get how much his bf likes him so I hope the fact that both of them are scared of breaking up gets cleared her anyways to the other point yes u should find for someone u love but u shouldn’t keep someone who doesn’t anymore or never example of that r pastors who also thought he had some kind of keep right but LXC is in a different position both love each other and want to keep one another
      • ok I admit I was going through an emotional breakdown when I was writing with that comment, Xiao Duan and LXC was going through a tough time especially after Gu Li and her boyfriend broke up after the pressure (!!!spoilers!!! I think they were gonna give it a try again) but I’m sure Xiao Duan will study well to at least get a university close by to LXC!!! They’re indeed still a new couple they’ll understand each other better over time <3