I Like Your PheromonesCh62 - Don’t be afraid


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  1. I have a little suggestion to the new translator if they don’t mind 🙂

    — this is for the term “Gēgē” whenever Duan Jiayan call Lu Xingxi. I think it’s better to keep the pinyin “Gēgē” since they are a couple, it’s a little awkward to read the term “brother” when addressing the older that isn’t related. If I remember correctly, the previous translator already established the meqning of the term anyway.

    I don’t know about the other readers but I prefer it to be kept as the pinyin “Gēgē” since it’s more romantic to read that way.

    • I was thinking the same because in English at least how I learned it in school brother is meant for siblings or sometimes friends like they sometimes say here brother from another mother but gege has more meanings than just big bro it’s similar to hyung in korean (English isn’t my mother language but I hope this explanation was still good enough and yes I also felt uncomfortable reading it with brother i always do it’s just a tip but it’s better to leave it by Gege because it has more meanings then the English brother I mean we are not reading incest here or two dudes calling each other buddy like brothers)
      • I hope I didn’t come off as mean I’m really thankful this is getting translated but people say my English often sounds kinda mean but I’m really not good at writing 😅