I Like Your PheromonesCh51 - Difficult to coax


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  1. I am very glad LXC took action because that situation was ridiculous and could have been dangerous for DJY.

    thanks for the chapter and for letting us know things are going to improve going forward. About time😳😳

  2. I think Lu Xingci’s judgment was already frayed after the second mark. I’m glad he had the sense to regret ignoring Duan Jiayan’s wishes, even though Duan Jiayan wasn’t considering his own health. If he had asked for help though, it could have been interpreted as him either agreeing to the pairing or taking Lu Xingci for granted.

  3. Aww, I love how they don’t give each other time to cause big misunderstanding. They are so cute!

    Thank you for this chapter!!

  4. Wow this chapter is so sweet!☺️🥰

    I’m just gonna ignore ML’s act of marking MC without his consent. After all, nobody knows whether MC wanted it deep down in his subconsciousness or not.😏🤩

    Glad to hear your honeymoon went well.😁🎉

    Thanks for the chapter!😋

  5. phew– this chapter got me sweating here, like imagine if such a sweet and adorable story takes a bloody turn, I would be weeping. “This wasn’t what I came for!!!”