I Like Your PheromonesCh50 - Ah Ye


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  1. This chapter is so cute >~< !!! Thanks for translating it!!!

    Also, congratulations on your marriage!!! I hope you have a happy life together!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

  2. AAH! Congratulations on your marriage and have a happy honeymoon!!!💕🎉

    Thank you for this chapter! I am super satisfied with this dog food. Lol.😌

  3. Congratulations on your marriage!!

    Wishing u lotsss of love and happiness🥰🥰

    Thank you for this chapter!

  4. Thanks for the chapter and Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and new life! I wish you and your family a long, healthy and prosperously loving life!

  5. Omg! Congratulations on your marriage! Wishing you and your partner a happy and peaceful life together! Happy holidays!

    Thanks for the translation! Kekekek, Lu-ge be showing his sly and teasing streak more and more as he reels in our oblivious baobao!


    We’ll be patiently waiting, wishing you a phenomenal honeymoon!!!

    Ps, I also love the way Duan Jiayan is slowly and unconsciously allowing everything to happen. So precious 🥺

  7. Merry Christmas! And congratulations on your marriage!! May you be blessed with a happy and loving marriage forever!!

  8. Happiness and joy to you and yours! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I can’t even remember what I was going to comment… Thanks for your translation, love the characters in this story! ❤️🤣🥳🎄🎉

  9. AHHHHHH THIS CHAPTER IS TOO CUTE!! congratulations on your wedding! may it last forever and full of love. oh and enjoy your honeymoon💓💓

  10. Thank you for the chapter! Merry Christmas and happy new year!

    Congratulations on yr marriage!

  11. Congratulations on your wedding! Hope you have a fun honeymoon and a blessed marriage♡

  12. Thanks for the chapter ^-^ so cute!!

    Congratulations on your wedding!!! Hope you have an amazing time!!

  13. Thank you for the chapter!!

    Congratulations on your marriage <3 and have a lovely honeymoon!!!!!

  14. Thank you for the update! It’s a super cute chapter.

    Congratulations on your marriage! Wishing you both a long, healthy, and happy life together.

    Happy Holidays!

  15. Omg! This sickly sweet honey is overflowing (⁄ ⁄>⁄ 艸 ⁄<⁄ ⁄) it’s too MUCH!! (♡´艸`) Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! I love how ML takes a mile after gaining an inch. In I love even more how MC was all soft and blushing. He couldn’t even get mad out of embarrassment (^་།^) I’m melting, this is too much. (:3」∠)

    But I Cant Stop LOVING IT! ^0^

    Happy marriage!! I wish you a happy and long marriage with ups and downs that make your relationship and the two of you stronger.🍾🥂🎉🎎🕊💒

    Hope your honeymoon won’t be restricted to mich by covid-19 and the regulations in place. 🦠🥴🚫 🏂🏖

    Thanks for the chapter ~💗

  16. OMG!


    hahahaha so many good news in one post.

    enjoy your honeymoon~

  17. Thank you for the chapter!

    Congratulations on your marriage!!🎉🎉

    Have a happy married life!! Stay safe and enjoy your honeymoon!

  18. Thank you for the update amd congratulations on your marriage!!! Wish you have a pleasant honeymoon ~

  19. What a sweet chapter to get married on lol: running off and skipping class together, teasing like Lu Xingci, or giving in to your fate like Duan Jiayan 😊

  20. Поздравлю с бракосочетанием! Счастливых и долгих лет семейной жизни! Спасибо за перевод!

  21. congrats!! thanks for getting a chapter out even when you’re so busy ♡♡

    with my comment, the comment number and chapter number will match :3

  22. Congratulation!!!!!!

    May you have a blessed marriage life! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

    Thank you for this chapter!

  23. Congratulations on getting married! Of course I am quite late but I saw it and still wanted to say lol. Thanks for your hard work!

  24. tsk, tsk give him an inch and he’ll take a mile… how despicable!!! Xiao Duan don’t trust the wolf’s honey coated words!! You’ll be eaten alive! Very, very scary!!!

  25. This chapter is too adorable omg!! aaaaa xingci calling jiayan by his nickname is so adorable omg AND JIAYAN BLUSHINGG AWWWW