I Have MedicineCh52 - Vile and Hateful


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Translator's Note

卖(什么)关子 – Mai (shen me) guan zi, to stop a story at its climax to keep the reader in suspense.

Translator's Note

鸡血 – Ji xue, chicken blood is considered a stimulant.

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  1. First of all, the color system here doesn't match any of the other rank systems used in the story. It's just a one-time thing used by this particular test.

    Now, I'm trying to imagine how the heck a single person is able to hold a cage the size of a small stadium…how does the leverage/grip even work? And moreover…how big are the doors of this palace hall? o_O LOL, I guess I shouldn't take fantasy too seriously.

    Anyway, translation notes:

    "His physical body’s strength was truly illogical." –> I would suggest "truly unscientific" here, if only because sometime in the future (spoilers) our MC is going to discover his inner mad scientist, and the world(s) will tremble.

    "His rage was still under control. Unexpectedly, because of this unstable frame of mind, he made a mistake again." –> "He was still suppressing his rage, and didn't want his unstable frame of mind to cause another mistake."

    "Ah, what a cliff." — I think you mean "cliffhanger" here.

    "Generations of martial artists present were suppressed by a wild beast." –> "It forcibly suppressed all the martial artists on the scene."

    • Yeah, I had the same concerns about the cage and the door lol.

      Also, the Qianyun Stone, if it’s 3 meters wide how do they even hold onto it to try to lift it? There’s no way their arms would reach both sides, how do they even grip it? Do they just plaster themselves to one side and hope for the best? Or maybe try it from the corner?

      Anyway, I have doubts, but in the end I just brush them aside and keep reading lol~

      • I had the same concern as you two! At first I thought the palace hall would be at most as large as a football field, but then the cage was thirty meters wide??? and as large as a small sports field??? Honestly, I just gave up on imagining the scenes because it was too much for my pea-sized brain. 😂

        • I was laughing imagining a person somehow carrying the cage of that size and that too he was hurrying…I mean..fine you have strength but how are you holding it??And the stone, it seems it doesn’t have holds or anything so how are they lifting it?? But then I just ignore and read on.

  2. What’s wrong with this HXC? He really has Eight Grader Syndrome. Our ML didn’t even do anything and he is already provoking him!! Stupid!!

  3. Bet he won’t want to fight it caue he’s already beaten it. No challenge. That Helian kid need a beatdown. He’s mental.