I Have MedicineCh51 - Continued Face Slapping


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Translator's Note

千钧 – Qian (thousand) jun (thirty catties), thus it weighs about fifteen thousand kilograms. I kept the pinyin for the aesthetics.

Translator's Note

First of all, 中二 refers to someone with the mindset of an adolescent youth who fantasizes that they are the protagonist or superhero of a story, colloquially termed “chuunibyou” in Japanese. The author wrote 比中二还中二, which actually means that he was even more chuunibyou than a regular chuunibyou.

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  1. can u hear? its the faces he jus slapped

  2. Ahhh Tianheng make them feel like they don't have a way to live anymore

  3. Dat feeling when your enemy slaps his own face… it's a sign that the heavens coughtheauthorcough is on your side!

    Translation notes:

    "Sooner or later, it could form one or two alliances between three Clans." –> "it could form into a 1 vs 2 vs 2 triangular relationship."

    "the Gongyi Clan could only strengthen its power to mutually restrict those three-way alliances to stabilize" –> "strength its power to mutually restrict the other parities in the triangle, thus stabilizing it."

    "His adoptive big brother always could avoid doing things he wasn’t perfect at." –> "His surrogate bro always knew how to hide his weakness." (藏拙 = hide one's weakness)

    "At this moment, Gu Zuo realized." –> "The next minute, GZ found out." (Referring to what happened next.)

    "When the martial artists saw this, their mouths gaped." –> "they breathed a sigh of relief."

  4. Gahaha! Official competition where they measure their strength. I say they’re all opportunities for ML to faceslap. :’D