I Have MedicineCh349 - Big Brother Enters Seclusion


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    • Honestly the people who are just starting to read the series are the lucky ones. They already have ready chapters I believe that by the time they reach this chapter their will already be 20 new chapters coming out.

      • I started to read this when the story has up to Chapter 341 and I read it in just 3-4 days because it was so addicting. So no 20 chapters. Just one chapter

    • Same! Things are starting to pick up. I specifically waited until the chapters are about 300+ to start reading in order to binge, but i got caught up in a few days. It’s so exciting. Can’t wait for the rest.

  1. I like his current bodyguards, but I miss the Tianlong guards a whole lot.

    Thanks for the update nwn

  2. I miss Tianlong Guard especially 1 and 2.

    The one Tianheng choose as master seems good, moreover he felt awkward received something without anything in return…

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. Time for another buybuybuy shopping spree!

    Translation notes:

    However, these things wouldn’t be in great supply. –> However, there’s no such thing as too much of these things.

    This disciple had little contact with Ah Zuo, and I could only see that the spirit medicines had spiritualities between fifty and sixty percent. –> This disciple and Ah Zuo had little experience (with spirit medicines), and we could vaguely estimate its spirituality was between 50-60.

    Who could’ve thought that Tianheng would hear him? –> Unexpectectly, Tiangheng called back to him.

    It was also because of this that the time of Tianheng’s seclusion had been sped up even more. –> It was because of this that the duration of seclusion became even more uncertain.

  4. That was surprisingly thoughtful of the Palace Master. That he actually thought first of GTH and advised him to save it up for himself rather than accept the gift at first, it really shows he’s a true master looking out for his disciples!

    Ahaha, the way to GTH’s heart is by praising and caring for Ah-Zuo lol.

    Shadowcats! And how the other guarda are subtly competitive as well 🤣But like everyone else, I’m starting to missing the Tianlong guards…

  5. cats and dogs fighting (competing) while following their lil master. it looks so funny in my head xD

    also may the shopping spree begin

    (and in my wishful thinking, may he meet purple price)

  6. Oh no, looks like Gu Zuo is about to lose all his savings. Will he be able to eat after this ? Last time he only left enough money for one meal 😆

    Thanks for the translation!