I Have MedicineCh350 - Medicine Heart Pavilion


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  1. Gu Zuo imitating his brother makes me think of a 5 y/o kid imitating his parents…..

    So cute <( ̄︶ ̄)>

    Thanks for the chapter 😊

  2. GZ getting stingy after spending only 1/300 of his money on hand, haha.

    Translation notes:

    However, the current GZ wasn’t the same as before, and he heard what hadn’t been asked for. –> wasn’t the same as before, who listened without asking for details.

    GZ asked: “Did Shopkeeper Fang happen to hear that?” –> “Shopkeeper Fang has heard of it?”

    Also missing 2 lines after the above:

    Shopkeeper Fang’s eyes flashed with appreciation, and nodded slightly: “If it’s this kind of pill, and at rank 6 or above, then it’s exceedingly welcome. If Pharmacist Gu doesn’t mind, we can discuss further inside?”Gu Zuo imitated his big brother’s raised eyebrow: “why not?”

  3. eyebrow raising… was super effective.. xD

    i dont know why, but i love eyebrow raising. mayby because oh LMWs LX snd TGCFs HC…

  4. Ahhhhhh, I feel so proud of our little Guo Zuo! He feels so grown up, doing business imitating his big brother 😆😊

    Thanks for the update ( ˘ ³˘)♥