I Have MedicineCh195 - The First Segment


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  1. Thx for the ch. Gu Zuo’s gonna astonish everyone without revealing his full abilities

  2. Oof martial artists are resilient baring such illnesses and broken organs/bones yet still walking around.

    Thanks for the hard work!

  3. (˃ ॢꇴ ॢ˂) Thank you for the update! What will Ah Zuo do on the next segment? I’m soo excited~ squeal

  4. XLX is all about beating his archnemesis from Dayun City. I’d almost think they’d make a cute pair…lol.

    Translation notes:

    Everyone else was completely in the dark. –> Everyone else couldn’t do anything about it.

    But so long as he persevered during this round, he would be okay. His achievements wouldn’t be too bad. –> But as long as he maintained his lead this round, he would be ok. His overall score wouldn’t be too bad.

    Currently, there were only twenty to thirty mid-level pharmacists remaining on the field. –> there were only thirty two mid-level pharmacists

  5. Gu Zuo displaying skills from medicine, to acting, to storytelling n.n

    That Qi Lin, so lucky!

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  6. Gosh you spoiled me too much with this quick updating😂 Now i’ll have to wait for a bit again… I feel like i’ll explode😭

    Thank you for the chapter!! Muah~💜

  7. Gu Zuo needs to stay strong now, lol, after he cures/helps his patient, I bet he’ll have even more greedy gazes following him…

    Thanks for the chapter! 😄😄😄

  8. Thank you for the chapter ☺

    Gu Zuo won!! I’m so happy. All the time he had to hide his true power and he’s still kinda doing it but I’m glad he’s on the spotlight now. He will surely shock everyone and win everything <3

    • haha, i bet GZ will become the miracle doctor or something like that xD but i wonder if all those patients are able to be insta cured? Or if it counts if say they prescribe medicinal baths for a month or so?