I Have MedicineCh163 - Repeated Harvests


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Translator's Note

童趣 – Tong qu, qualities that delight children, such as bold colors in a picture or anthropomorphized characters in a cartoon.

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  1. Aw~ They are so cute together…

    This single dog is suffering😂😂

    Thanks for the update~~ 😊😊

  2. A bit more tofu on the way out. XD

    Translation notes:

    it was very rare to have one that was so naughty and cute. — Suggest “mishievous” instead of “naughty”

    He didn’t hesitate and immediately took out a long knife. –> long sabre.

    Gongyi Tianheng lost his smile. –> GYTH couldn’t help but smile.

    Tianheng and Gu Zuo wouldn’t have obtained the Earthen Core Flame with that much attention. –> …obtained the Earthen Core Flame without attracking any attention.

  3. Might this mysterious mob character actually play a role later on? I mean, with Tianheng’s luck I bet he raises all kinds of flags just by walking around~

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  4. I really want to see Tianheng embarrassed. Because we see Gu Zou embarrassed like once a chapter but it’s not happened to Tianheng yet.

    Thanks for translating this