I Have MedicineCh101 - Someone’s Invitation


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  1. GTY, really has plans within plans, it’s great that Ah’ Zu met with him so early, and GTY never swindled him, so many subtle means and results.

  2. Finally! Time to impress and gain some allies!

  3. Tsk… MC blushed at a girl! Well, at least it’s just actual embarrassment this time. Also, GYTH is going to put on his merchant hat.

    Translation suggestions:

    Certainly, if he set out to save them prematurely, he could’ve definitely helped the other side to bear the pressure. In addition, the four of them could’ve been saved… –> Certainly, if they save them early on, they could have easily helped them and saved all four people.

    profitable investments / 利益投资 –> mutual profit investments

    Moreover, having them use this kind of method is a favor compared to the greedy mouths we’ll encounter in the future. –> Moreover, using this way to let them repay our help is better than waiting for something to happen in the future, and then be demanded an exorbitant price. (狮子大开口 = metaphor for demand an exorbitant price)

    If it wasn’t free, he wouldn’t go. –> It would be a waste not to go.

  4. I understand that it’s all part of Tianheng’s plan not to draw unnecessary attention to MC, but this about Gu Zuo getting no attention makes me extremely uncomfortable. It is as if they are doing something wrong and hiding so that no one will find out and it is really working. But please! He is the MC ne ~ Some attention, however small, he has to receive!

    Aaaahh, so frustrating … o(╥﹏╥)o

    Note: If any word is wrong, sorry, English is not my native language, so it’s MTL’s fault 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

    Oh, and this is my first time commenting here, so be patient with me! And thanks for the chapter O(≧▽≦)O

  5. I can only sigh helplessly towards our cute Ah Zuo huhu, he is really so simple, it is good Tianheng is full or craftiness(?) At least theirs is balanced hahaha