I Have MedicineCh102 - The Profiteer Has Arrived


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  1. Schemes within schemes within schemes… And so the fish takes the bait! Soon the inner sect disciples will line up to pay money to our cunning duo 😂

    Thank you for the translation ❤

    • I totally agree! Not only inner sect disciples but also those outer sect disciples. Although, maybe GT might use this Fu fellow to earn profit and hide them to better protect GT and GZ’s interests.

      I’m so excited on how the others are doing. That prince, that lucky fella and thier hangers on. Hopefully, GT will help them to better their empire! 😂😂😂😂

      Thank you for the update!

  2. Poor MC still hung up on hubby eating too much, lol.

    Translation suggestions:

    To that end, Tianheng’s distraction had several uses, and three rounds of alcohol passed between him and those people. –> On the other side, with Tianheng having split his attention, three rounds of wine had already passed.

    Zhao Yuheng, while he relied on the facilitation of the disciplinary hall, cooperated with Fu Manduo… –> That Zhao Yuheng, using his authority at the disciplinary hall, cooperated…

    This was also the case for his clan members with the same surname. –> This (the manager) was a clansman with the same surname.

    …and the things hidden away were also not few. –> …and the things skimmed from the profits were not few.

    Reportedly, he was an apprentice with an extremely high position in the inner sect –> Reportedly, it (the backer) was a high ranking apprentice in the sect.

    • Thanks for the corrections. I forgot that 后台 could refer to supporter/backer instead of just background.

  3. when are they gonna know that our MC is not an ordinary pharmacist? he can show-off (not all of his abilities) while not standing out too much