High School RewindCh12 - The Wonder Boy

Gilbert Hugo learned how to walk at the age of 6 months old. He also started talking coherent words and sentences at the same time. At 8 months old, Gilbert Hugo already knew his ABCs and how to count. At the tender age of 1, he could already read and write.

Before Gilbert Hugo could start going to school, he already knew how to paint (some of his paintings were recognized by famous artists), knew how to play musical instruments (Gilbert could play the piano, guitar, drums, violin, and saxophone) like a professional. He also wrote poems and stories during his free time. His father even converted a room in their house into a library for Gilbert’s personal use. He had gigantic collection of books that he enjoyed reading so much. mfb7P9

It was not surprising to say that when Gilbert Hugo did start going to school, his teachers were in awe by his intelligence. He was supposed to be accelerated, but Gilbert didn’t want to skip grades. So, his father decided to bring him to S Country to fully enhance his potential. Gilbert Hugo left the country. He was just 9 years old at that time.

Gilbert was regarded as a genius by the people who knew him. Even in S Country, he excelled and won several academic awards. Gilbert’s father, a politician, benefitted greatly by the fact that his son was one of a kind; and used Gilbert’s excellence into his favor. His dad gained the reputation of being the father of a genius kid and people started recognizing his father’s political ambition.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, in reality, Gilbert Hugo was not really impressed with himself. He didn’t want any attention given to him by people. He couldn’t fathom the hype he was getting just because he learned how to read and write ahead of the others. He couldn’t understand why people, especially, his father were so ecstatic about the fact that he could do things most people couldn’t. He was not happy being the pride of his father. The reason why he didn’t want to be accelerated in school was he wanted to enjoy his time as a child. He didn’t want more attention to himself. The only thing Gilbert truly wanted was to be with his mom’s side all the time.

Yes, Gilbert may be regarded as a genius, but all he could ever want in his life was to take care of his mother. Gilbert was not an only child. He had a twin sister. While he was celebrated as someone special (though Gilbert felt like he was a carnival freak), his younger sister was treated ordinarily. 0SucXx

Gilbert’s mom was an extraordinary lady. She was beautiful, sweet, and possessed a heart of gold. However, tragedy struck when Gilbert and his twin sister were two years old. His sister was diagnosed by a rare disease and died just a few months later. His sister’s demise brought an inconsolable grief to his mom. Even as a kid, Gilbert saw how his mom suffered from his sister’s death.

On the other hand, Gilbert’s father was acting like nothing was wrong. The man kept on pushing Gilbert to do his best for his father’s personal gain. In his young mind, Gilbert hated his father for acting like he didn’t lose a child. Years after the tragedy that befell their family, Gilbert’s mom developed a condition that was messing on her mind.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xliyfga yfuufv tlr ojatfg ab tfiq tlr wbw gfmbnfg. Ktf mbcclnlcu biv wjc abiv Xliyfga atja tf kbeiv tfiq bcis lo Xliyfga mbeiv yfmbwf atf mtliv tf jikjsr kjcafv ab tjnf. Xliyfga vlv tlr yfra. Lf yfmjwf atf kbcvfg ybs tlr ojatfg kjcafv tlw ab yf. Lf yfmjwf xcbkc jr atf ufcler mtliv, tf kjr fnfc lcnlafv ab jqqfjg lc j ajix rtbk bc cjalbcji afifnlrlbc. Lf kbc weialqif jkjgvr. Lf kjr gfujgvfv jr rbwfbcf rqfmlji. Lf vlv atbrf atlcur pera obg atf rjxf bo tlr wbatfg. Xliyfga fnfc jmmfqafv tlr ojatfg’r boofg ab mbcalcef tlr raevlfr lc jcbatfg mbecags.

But when Gilbert was 11 years old, he learned that his mother’s condition was getting severe. Gilbert came back to see his mom. Though, what he witnessed broke his heart. His Mom was not the same anymore. She couldn’t recognize Gilbert and she did something unforgivable. Gilbert saw how his mom struggled to bring everything back, but it was too late. There was nothing left inside her head that made sense. Gilbert witnessed the light in his mom’s eyes shut off permanently.


Gilbert’s mom was placed in an institution. He begged his father that he didn’t want to return to S Country. But Gilbert was threatened by his father that he wouldn’t have the chance to see his mom again if he would defy the old man’s demands. With a heavy heart, Gilbert went back to S Country and continued his studies.

Gilbert returned during the summer of his second year of Middle school. That was the time he met Simon for the first time. His father adopted (well, not officially) Simon to become Gilbert’s assistant. You see, his father wanted Gilbert to follow his footsteps, to become a politician as well. Gilbert refused. He didn’t want to be involved in politics.

Simon became part of Gilbert’s life. His father decided for Gilbert to stay in the country. He would finish middle school together with Simon in the same school. Simon and Gilbert were similar in age. They eventually started to treat each other as brothers. Simon was intelligent. He was a leader type and a great public speaker. Gilbert learned about Simon’s family—or the lack thereof. Simon grew up in an orphanage. Gilbert’s father saw Simon’s potential and adopted him.

Gilbert saw his mother a few times. Actually, Gilbert wanted to see her every day, but his father refused no matter how many times Gilbert would beg him. The old man reasoned out that people didn’t know about his mother’s condition. If Gilbert was seen in and out of the mental institution every day, people would start to notice and they would talk. Gilbert’s father didn’t want for his reputation to be stained by the fact that his wife was not doing well. Gilbert hated his father more since that day. njtRxm

Gilbert continued to excel. He would always come first and he was set to have the brightest future among his peers. However, everything went downhill during his first year of high school. Gilbert’s mom passed away. He was devastated, he was in grief. But Gilbert knew that the heaviness in his heart would ease eventually in time. Well, only if his goddamn excuse for a father didn’t do anything stupid. Gilbert would heal, but trust his father to ruin everything.

Gilbert learned about his mother’s death, a month after it actually happened. His father’s reason was he didn’t want Gilbert to be distracted during his final exam. For a fucking exam, his stupid father deprived Gilbert from seeing his mom for the last time. From there, Gilbert realized that everything in his life didn’t make any sense at all.

Gilbert didn’t care about school anymore. He didn’t care about his father or his fucking reputation. After his first year in high school, Gilbert stopped going to school. He became the opposite of what his father wanted him to be.

Gilbert became a recluse. He stayed away from everyone. His father threatened to disown him, but Gilbert welcomed the idea. His father backed off a bit. Gilbert had the thought of ending his own life. But before he could do it, his father’s brother—Uncle Carl—talked him into going back to school. His doctor uncle told Gilbert that his mom would be happy seeing Gilbert reached his dreams. GL7NHn

Gilbert went back to school, but not as the genius, wonder kid everyone had expected him to be. He went back as someone aloof and unapproachable. The kids form school, especially the boys, started to target him. The first time he punched someone in the face, Gilbert felt some kind of satisfaction. He started to fight back and learned he could fight really well. He got involved with school gangs, bad kids, and some more. Gilbert overcame them all.

Although somehow, everything started to change when Gilbert got involved with his classmate named Seth Wiley. At first, Gilbert didn’t think anything about his classmate who was being bullied by others. Gilbert had his own life to worry about and he was not in a position to help his bullied classmate. More importantly, he didn’t care at all. He had his own problems to worry about.

But then, Gilbert saw how Seth Wiley struggled to fight his bullies just for him to have a place in school where he could belong. The first time Gilbert saw Seth changing the tide of his fate was when he tried to answer a math question despite being laughed at by others. Gilbert couldn’t help but get involved. After that incident, Gilbert somehow started to hang out with Seth. He didn’t know what came to him, but he found Seth amusing.

Seth’s presence was a refreshing thought for Gilbert’s darkened life. It was so easy for Seth to destroy the walls Gilbert built around himself. Seth was also the first person to help Gilbert without expecting something in return. That was why when Gilbert saw Seth lying unconscious in a hospital bed, he promised himself that he would avenged him. FyS8dv

Gilbert apologized to Seth’s mom. He also promised to be in his best behavior whenever he was with Seth. He promised to study and share meals with Seth. Gilbert even accompanied Seth home after he was discharged from the hospital. He was in his best behavior.

However, when night came, Gilbert hunted all the members of Marble High gang who were there on that day. Gilbert went to their hang out spot and fought everyone. Gilbert saved the leader of the gang who hit Seth for his last kill. When every member of the Marble gang was lying unconscious on the floor, the leader begged for his own safety. However, Gilbert didn’t even budge. He gave him a beating that he wouldn’t forget for a lifetime.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Before Gilbert could leave, he heard police siren nearby. Gilbert was caught and brought in to the police station. He didn’t care. All he wanted was to avenge Seth. But before he could be punished, his father’s lawyer arrived. Gilbert didn’t say anything. He knew his father would cover up his mess. That was the only thing that fucker could do right.

The next day, Gilbert went to school. He had a promise with Seth to see each other come Monday. The rumors about the incident were spreading through the whole school like a wildfire. Gilbert obviously didn’t care. He just wanted to meet Seth. lOSLKZ

But, the moment his eyes met Seth’s, Gilbert knew he fucked up. Seth’s eyes were full of unrecognizable emotions. Gilbert was confident Seth would be thanking him for avenging the latter, but all Gilbert could see in Seth’s eyes were emotions he was not familiar with.

Gilbert’s heart started to pound. Was Seth disappointed in him? Fuck! Gilbert knew he did something stupid. Seth wouldn’t like his violent side. Just like the others, Seth might distance himself from Gilbert from then on. That thought made it hard for him to breathe. Gilbert ran out of the room. He didn’t want Seth to see him after what he did. He was fucking ashamed of himself.

He ran further away from the classroom. Gilbert was breathing heavily. Just when he thought he had escaped, He heard footsteps coming from behind. Gilbert turned around.

Once again, Gilbert met Seth’s gaze. 3s8xje


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  1. J’ai créé un compte pour pouvoir commenter ces chefs-d’oeuvre. Cette histoire est vraiment super ! Merci pour votre travail ! Grâce à vous, j’attends avec impatience samedi et dimanche ^v^ (je suis français, désolé si je fais des fautes). Seth sauve Gilbert ! Devient sa famille~ X'(

  2. Another cliffhanger! Beautiful chapter though. I felt the hurt from his father’s treatment. Thanks for the chapter.