Holding Onto My ManChapter 63


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Translator's Note

哼 hēng, to groan, to snort, to hum, to croon, humph!

Translator's Note

掌家 means he’s in charge of the household. Thank You jp for helping me with this

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  1. I always think zombies when I read apocalypse in a title, or end the days/world.

  2. Thank you translatorsama and your team for for you hard work (❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)

  3. Gah, please don’t send yourself to death


  4. I don’t usually read the titles, so I was also surprised when I saw that it turned into apocalypse type of arc, when the driver was bitten.

    First arc chapter just gives of a Modern Mafia feels!

  5. Oooh, I wonder how our MC will prep for the apocalypse? What happened in the previous life???? Aaaah, this arc is so good at making me curious about the future!

  6. It was uhhh, pretty obvious it was apocalyptic 😅 so no surprises for me 😅

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

    My thanks naturally goes to everyone involved!

  7. This arc has quite a few twists so far. I suspect Su Yu’s relationship with the rebirther’s dad was probably not as pure as it seemed. I also wonder about Dong Han’s true motivations… Does he want to have a special relationship with the rebirther? Perhaps he wants to forcefully take all of the dad’s power?

    It’ll be pretty funny if he encounters the MC at the bar and suddenly falls for him. It seems like the host wouldn’t have requested the MC’s help if he truly had a harem and was beloved by everyone. That may have just been a facade for the rebirther.

  8. Thank you for everyone’s hard work~!


  9. Thank you so much to each person helping in the team(· ω · )I seriously admire the final result, since you have to make sense of a lot of things for it to sound great and be understandable, so you guys are amazing!

    And it also seems to be uploading pretty fast so a thousand times THANK YOU. Can’t wait to read the rest <3

  10. Is it just me that doesn’t see any titles? I thought this work didn’t have any until I saw Evan’s comments.

    Evan: i wonder how some readers will react, if they didn’t see the arc title

  11. Aigooo. This is almost like Lord of the End of the World. Shen Muze also has spatial abilities, like the MC’s sister who was reborn in that story.

  12. Thank you for the chapter! I hate this guy, and I don’t even know his story, but he’s scheming against GB, so he’s scum d****it lol.

  13. I was listening to Monster by Irene and Seulgi and when I got to the end it synced with the Pikachu gif LMAO

  14. Ok last chapter i was super surprised about the random zombies appearing LMAO i only realized now that the arc title says it all 😂😂😂 thanks for the chapter~

  15. It seems like Shen Muze was jealous of Su Yu, but hopefully it’s not the jealous type where he would push him to a zombie horde when he sees him.