Holding Onto My ManChapter 62


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Translator's Note

阿虎 – 阿 = just like in the previous arc with the original host’s body’s name was called Ah Bai, well in this arc it’s similar in which the Ā is an endearment, and I just habitually made it as ‘Ah’ and not A’Hu. 虎 = means tiger

Translator's Note

talking about Gu Bai

Translator's Note

按摩池 = raws said massage pond, but i’m not quite sure what that is so I changed it too “spa” instead

Translator's Note

turtle in this sentence is internet slang for 海歸 hǎi guī, to return to one’s country after a period of study or work overseas, returnee or student returning after studying abroad.

Translator's Note

他 nǐ, informal you, as opposed to the courteous way of saying you 您

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放屁 [fàng pì] to fart; to break wind; to talk nonsense; Utter rubbish!

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老子; Lao Zi

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老子; Lao Zi

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令人作呕[lìng rén zuò ǒu] turn one’s stomach; make one feel like vomiting; make one sick; make one throw up

Translator's Note

说不出话[shuō bu chū huà] lose one’s tongue; cannot utter a word; could not have spoken for the world; His tongue failed him

Translator's Note

Mina: kinda like TMD, a swear/curse word/phrase

Translator's Note

Just in case some readers don’t know or have never seen/heard of these terms. Glutinous rice or sticky rice looks like this; whilst yellow paper looks like this; and lastly jade looks like this;

Translator's Note

idiom; 不可思议[bù kě sī yì] It is beyond logic and above reason; inconceivable; unimaginable; beyond comprehension

Translator's Note

Evan: “stir up his loins” is more like it, hehehehe, jk

Mina: LOLOL u right tho

Cat: I mean who wouldn’t want to stir some nice…*cough cough*

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  1. I don’t know if that “hehehe” is because the arc is either full of dog blood drama and face-slapping or there’s going to cute fluffy scenes and papapa….

    Thank you for the chapter!

    Hahahahaha! ML’s wifey from cute demon dog to a wifey who chases away the bad qi.

    It’s cute that he tries to really hug his golden thigh of a husband really tight this time while also smearing copious amounts of dog food into his hubby’s subordinate. With a husband like that, MC enemies won’t stand a chance and I bet they’ll even get the “special” treatment (ahemdeliciousahemaceslappingahem)

  2. I like his style.


  3. Hmm so it’s an apocalyptic world but the ‘zombie virus’ is caused by some type of demonic qi?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Thank you for the chapter! I’m looking forward to what will happen

  5. Jejeje no te preocupes, sabemos que la vida real es fuerte.

    Ahora, mi querido GB creo que no es momento de tener papapa, ahora hay que recoger suministros y buscar un buen lugar para evitar a los zombies… chico goloso, ordena tus prioridades.

  6. I adore you.You always translate interesting stories.And your translations are A+ grade.Waiting for the next update.

  7. This time he is hunting his hubby really straight forward…so cute.

    Thanks for all your work.

  8. The previous dog body really got to his head lmao… he is been acting more shameless n unrestrained with each passing arc

  9. I suddenly miss that reluctant boy who had to be “persuade” to do gay things. ****melancholy look****

  10. Gu Bai is now officially a member of “I seduce my man without seducing him” club along with Wei Wuxian, Lin Yan and of course his ancestor Zhou Yunsheng XD

  11. He is so bold 🤠🤠🤠 I guess a few centuries will do that for a relationship 😂😂

    Thanks for the translation 🥰🥰

  12. Nee.. Zhao Yunsheng even if you say you don’t know GB, I can’t believe it, obviously he’s your disciple (︶ω︶)