Holding Onto My ManChapter 57


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Translator's Note

place where concubines and empresses get banished

Translator's Note

honorable form of you

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  1. Thank you for your hardwork. Figures, ML is as possessive as ever and the consort (Xu was it?) is about to get screwed over. On one hand, I am really looking forward to discovering exactly what her system is.

  2. wow. like. wow.

    how did you get hired. how did you interview?

    even if the two of them are making a fuss over bai being more important, the real problem is that SOMEONE MANAGED TO SLIP SOMETHING INTO HIS MAJESTY’S FOOD.

    also, i have a feeling that the hypnosis is a one time dealio. you PROBABLY don’t have the mutant power of controlling the minds of others but im curious to see if she assumes that.

    what happens when she starts trying to pay the system with years and points she doesn’t have, literally putting herself in debt?

      • sxr was an office worker in her first life. wondering how that happened since the interview portion can get tricky at some places and she seems really entitled and crazy. although that might be because she suddenly became rich and privileged.

        the point is someone was bribed in the one place THEY REALLY SHOULDN’T BE BRIBED. because of money and a promise that in the future she wouldn’t forget them. but what if he wandered off to another concubine’s palace or some cannonfodder maid got caught up. but what if it was a tasteless, odorless rare poison that keeps appearing in all the palace dramas that only one wandering doctor can identify and cure? (because the chef probably didn’t tastetest the aphrodisiac soup) did the chef really think that money would matter without his life? there are a lot of areas that need work in this plan. @~@

        or maybe im a paranoiac worrywart. :DDDDD

        • In the last chapter it said that the chef confirmed it wasn’t poison. That was probably a way for the author to fill an obvious plot though. Maybe the chef is thinking money > loyalty to the Emperor? I’m not sure, there a lots of plot holes that I choose to ignore for the sake of my sanity lol.

          You’d be great on CinemaSins though. ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)

          • I think the chef went with it cause it seemed harmless??? Like as long as it isn’t poisonous he stand to lose anything since it wouldn’t harm the emperor, and he didn’t anticipate it not being viable for canine consumption. Just my guess tho :p

          • It’s not poison. It’s actually a health potion that Consort Rui exchanged with her system, and she intended to give that potion to the Emperor via a bowl of soup. But, to her dismay, the eunuch give it to the dog instead. And, though the potion is healthy for human, we all didn’t know the effect for animal moreover a yao. And here we are, the dog become human. I think that potion is the biggest reason why our MC could turn into a human now and not many years later. So, we should thank the Consort for her “contribution” to our cause to see our CP getting together and make babies everywhere earlier. 😂
        • This usually does happen in real life (or at least that’s what the history books say). Consorts try every way they can to get into a higher position even if it means they have to drug the emperor. Because it happens so often and is seen as a regular thing, as long as the servants are sure it’s not poison, they’ll let it past. Since, after all, Consorts can and do punish servants for not listening to their orders. Unless they suspect it’s something that will harm the emperor, they won’t protest against the orders. That is also the reason why there are stories of emperors dying after being poisoned. Just because the servants are sure doesn’t mean it’s a 100% clear since there are pills out there that are clear, tasteless and has delayed reactions. There are also cases where the servant might be a rebel and when a Consort asked them to drug the emperor, they switched the pills. No matter the era, money speaks to a lot of people. There are lots of dumb ways to die if you’re the emperor.
  3. Hu? MC with a animal ears?!?!? I never dared to imagine it, but know it is reality!!! So cute~ and our possessive emperor is already plotting how to keep his little treasure all to himself!😍

    Thanks for the chapter. > w •

  4. oh, he can change back?! I thought he was stuck… XD XD XD


  5. I’m so glad he can change back and forth. It would be way too messy if not.

  6. Tal parece que los instintos ignatos de dragón han despertado, debido a esta transformación tos tos tos… recuerdo a Inuyasha y sobretodo a mi amado Shessoumaru y entiendo al emperador tos tos tos.

  7. Thank your hardwork!

    Aiya, for me this chapter was a bit difficult to complete. The ridiculousness of it…I can’t. It goes to say this Arc is not my favorite

  8. I believe the last sentence should be “The dragon has a reverse scale, and Bai is his!”

    A reverse scale is a scale that is directly conected and protects the true heart of a dragon being his most fragile and important place. Figuractivelly, is represents something that can’t be touched. The most important and treasured object or person.

    Thanks for the chapter!