Holding Onto My ManChapter 56


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Translator's Note

Okay he said ‘him’ in the raws but below and everywhere else there are multiple of them and the author used ‘them’ too so I just change it to ‘them’ to avoid confusing people.

Translator's Note

This is how the emperor refer to himself to his subjects.

Translator's Note

They used 您, the formal version of ‘you’

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  1. this is so exciting that each chapter feels so short, like whoosh and it’s already over? omg what’s gonna happen next. but how is he gonna get back to palace though🙃

  2. Is the concubine actually a dummy? How exactly does she think this won’t be linked to her? 🤔

  3. The first time I read it, it made me think Su Xinru gave him an aphrodisiac based on cocoa beans (since that is NOT good for dogs and some ancient aphrodisiacs used cocoa beans), seeing as Bai had such a violent reaction.


    Thanks for the chapter.

  4. I just couldn’t help imagining him transforming I f don’t of everyone and the emperor then showing his possessiveness towards his little Bai. Well that won’t be happening I guess. Thanks for the chapter and the hard work.

  5. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can not wait i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly want to read the what would happen next

    Thank you for this chapter mua

  6. Well, Gu Bai wouldn’t have drunk ML’s blood otherwise. The antagonist ended up being helpful. 😂

    • Yes, that was super convenient, seeing like Gu Bai was racking his brains to find a way to cultivate faster!

  7. Welp, bitch be dead soon.


  8. AAH THE CLIFFHANGER IS KILLING ME!! this chapter feels so short,,because it was so exciting! Aah finally he’s transforming!! Yay!

    Thank you for this wonderful chapter, hehe~ mad my day shine brightly~ 💕💕

  9. Hopefully its not a big thing when he comes back human and if it is hopefully things are not annoying.

    Thank you for the chapter!💕🙏

  10. woah, this chap gave me a lot of horrific imagined scenes. For instance, the white dog, Bai, bleeding through his orifices or him bleeding through self-inflicted injuries (because his body was feeling uncomfortable, thus he keeps scratching himself). Neither of these two are wonderful circumstances to think of. Hopefully, next chapter would get him a human body (and revenge)!

    Thank you for translating this chapter!

  11. Así que la respuesta para la transformación es la sangre… o mejor dicho fluídos tos tos tos…

    Ahora, qué le dio la desgraciada esa en la sopa?