Holding Onto My ManChapter 58


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Translator's Note

sacred imperial title of the Chinese emperor

Translator's Note

Goddess of Mercy

Translator's Note

not to be reckoned with

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  1. Hahaa I was half expecting vinegar from ML emperor from the people seeing his Bai’s true form. Also… I knew it. Bai set up a good trap for the younger brother’s side. RIO

  2. Thank you for the chapter💕

    When gu bai disappeared into that gold light,,, my only thought was, bai,,where did you go?! ( ´Д`)

  3. Admiral Akbar, Prince Rui needs you!


  4. If they saw Bai transformed from a pup, and that he is always around the emperor….wouldn’t they know that the true son of heaven there is authentic? Since pup Yao likes to hang around him so much…..i—idiots!

    Happy New Year~! Thanks so much for the chapterssss~~!!!😍😆🤭😘

  5. Gu Bai is such an opportunist! I hope he can do something about the natural disasters now that he has powered up!

  6. They really had a deep understanding of what it meant to want being a dog than being a human! –> a dog than being a human! —> a dog is better than being a human!

  7. Oh dang, that transmigrator died pretty fast (wow). The synopsis of this novel was right, Gu Bai did become so powerful that there really is no need for him to hold on to the ML’s thighs anymore lmao

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  8. Feliz año nuevo,

    Umh. ¿Cuál es el origen de ese sistema?… pero triste fue devorado por nuestro GB,

    Y Parece que nadie recuerda o vío que el perro del emperador era ese niño dorado jaja

  9. Thank you so much for your time and effort translating and editing this story. I love it so much! Wish it was published in English so I could buy it to support the author. Will just have to rely on you for the translation so I can keep reading. Thank you!

  10. “Since the original system could absorb the power of the original host for its own use, then he could also eat the system. This was the cruel survival laws of the Yao world.”

    So far, i never find that system failed in their mission in every story.Now i know, even the system sometime not success in their mission. *chuckles