Holding Onto My ManChapter 42


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  1. :|a Gu Bai really only accepts being restrained from his lover huh. Luckily that’s him, I guess?

    Thanks for the new chapter!

  2. It’s an alt!! XD XD XD


  3. Ugh, that comment about men naturally being more hot blooded and better at games really left a nasty taste in my mouth….

  4. Caught in an alternate account romance…

  5. This kind of plot ‘Meeting by coincidence, repaying my debt’ is a bit especially if the one who orchestrated the play will fall for the target xD

    ML is that you?

  6. Omg hahaha,super hillarious,if i was gubai i will be stressed out so much to meet extremely arrogant gege!!

    Truly deserve to be called bad star lol

  7. I love this arc so far. I am a gamer and find this situation so hilarious. And of course many thanks to the translator for their hard work. ๐Ÿ˜

  8. sigh… i really cant stand the sexism in gaming danmei sometimes… mc kun, if not for the fact that you are so likeable…

    thanks for the chapter โ™ก