Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh22 - Slag guy, you’re heartless.


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Translator's Note

Chi = eat, referring to Love is For You to Eat

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  1. bruh mengmeng is pissing me off with her demands lmao

    princess syndrome much?

  2. When Can Immortal (not ) Mengmeng(not) leave the game?😒

    Huanhuan goodluck with your story, hope you can dutifully potray it!!

  3. *cough ex husband *cough. God of War gege… finally a love rival has appeared! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i think… this Qiufeng will be close to Huanhuan 😁😁😁😁😁 it’s time for ML to be threatened. He feels securer coz he knows MC’s eyes are only on him. Now… hehehehe 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

    Female dog, can’t you rest (die) already? *annoyed 😬😬😬😬😬😬

  4. Xiang Huaizhi, you’ll save your life If you tell the truth! But this way Huanhuan’s plan Will keep going.

    Ohh, this Qiufeng seems nice. I hope he won’t be pestering Huanhuan from now on.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Lol Immortal MengMeng was shameless. Demanding so much and acting like a victim.

    Qiufeng seems to be a nice person.

    Thank you for the chapter

  6. this mengmeng is really shameless. quiting a guild just because she was removed from officer position. i bet she wasn’t even doing any “officer duties” 🙄🙄🙄

  7. [Also, it wasn’t like this matter would have any negative repercussions for him. At the very least nothing bad had happened up until now. He had even saved a lot of trouble because of this.

    There wasn’t anything bad about it.]

    Xiang Huaizhi~ are you sure that you won‘t regret it later on? He keeps letting Jing Huan misunderstand…hope it won‘t have problems in the future~

    That Immortal MengMeng is so shameless! (;¬_¬)

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌹

  8. “Also, it wasn’t like this matter would have any negative repercussions for him. At the very least nothing bad had happened up until now. ” mm, that’s what you thought; huanhuan in the back like 👿

  9. Bah! He should have just admitted to the lie about money to sound pitiful in their 1st meeting. After all, it works well with the “I’m obsessed with your gameplays so I followed you to the game” story and would have saved him many headaches in the future (like being limited to 3h gameplay).