Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh23 - The more scummy a guy is, the more she likes him.


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  1. I’m biting my handkerchief ahhh!!! so close yet so far!!!

  2. The way XHZ was casually checking out Huanhuan makes me want to see him too!! He sounds like a super beauty! (pls all those who can draw, draw this image to save a soul QAQ)

    And R.I.P XTJ’s image in the eyes of the MCH(?) players

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Huanhuan’s waist has seduced Xiang Huaizhi!!

    Hmm, did Huanhuan realize Who is Yearning For this time? Or not?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Jing Huan is sooo smooth. I wish I could talk to male gods that easily as he did. >_<

    • As far as he’s concerned,he himself is a male god (at least, he thinks so 😅) so he didn’t get nervous talking to another guys because they are both guys (according to straight guy Huanhuan 😂)

  5. XHZ knows doesn’t he? HE KNOWS. Surely that’s why he waited to open his phone!

  6. Loll jing huan is much better at seducing his target irl than in game!!

    • It’s because he’s doing too much in the game. If he was not over-the-top, people will find his attractive qualities.

  7. So will it rain after Jian Huan left the basketball court, while Xiang Huaizhi and Lu Hang get drenched?

  8. Ugh they are so close!! Cant help but get excited for them to know the truth.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  9. Will… Huanhuan get busted? Or XHZ will continue to pretend? Huanhuan has an idea now right that XHZ might be his God of War gege 😂😂😂😂😂 gosssshhhhhh im soooo excited for the reveal! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

    And XHZ secretly checking the ‘goods’ 😏😏😏😏😏😏 ah… im still betting that MC and ML are closet gays! That even their best friend or cousin doesn’t know! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i mean, who would ‘check’ their ‘bro’ like that? 😂😂😂😂

  10. Seems like he’s smart enough to figure out everything soon right?

  11. Everybody in the comments happy that XHZ praised JH but I’m over here pouting cuz he didn’t praise him enough  ̄^ ̄

  12. Xiang Huaizhi is already focusing his gaze on him~ ⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ♥️

  13. I’m currently re-reading this novel now and I just realized something.

    “half of his shirt still stuck to his waist, revealing a portion of his fair, slim waist. From the back, one could clearly see the distinct grooves on his back.”

    XHZ didn’t even know at this point that this was the guy he encountered on the stairs, and yet he immediately noticed this. The heck does he stare and observe another guy’s waist for? Hahahahaha!

    Dude is so playing for the same team!!! 😂