Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 54


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Translator's Note

as in he doesn’t speak much

Translator's Note

specifically, he said “A’re”, as in the japanese way to say what?

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  1. I love their relationship!! How Yang Anyu talks about everything!! Amazing!!!

    Thank You for the chapter!!

    Also Tang Guo is so cute ahh and Qi Sen is just a tsundere lmao. I love this CP

  2. I feel like the one in Yang AnYu’s body right now is the “modern” anyu. Not the “ancient” anyu…

    Thanks for the chapterrr

    • Right. The memories are buffering. Ancient AnYu said he died at 16/17 but the body is 21. I believed AnYu also reincarnated but due to growth environment and no general guiding him, modern Anyu turned that way. Considering ChenYan had “dream” of pastlife, modern AnYu can have it too. Maybe then these two reincarnations obsession towards each other face them is justified. That accident or suicide attempt then awaken the ancient memories worth a lifetime making AnYu confused him as transmigrating. Maybe.

      • I also already read some novel like this.. bumping their heads, having accidents then regaining their past memories.. I bet that these two are just merging.. plus also the time when he got nightmare woke up at 12am and dazedly trying to suicide as if possessed. It was his other self coming out. Plus he was calling anyu when he first fainted… I assumed that the other person or personality was just sleeping the whole time.. and maybe because of trauma.. he even barely remember chenyan.. and his father he doesn’t remember well I bet he hide this deep in him there was something his other self wants him to remember
  3. AAAAAAH My other ship is happily sailing~ eiiiiiii Blurred really is a great depiction of both yang anyus.. fightoooooo

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  4. I definitely ship the other couple too!

    I see why Chenyan is a bit apprehensive. Anyu switched from what he knew before to the guard he is now. Chenyan doesn’t want the old Anyu to reappear and this Anyu to be gone forever.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  5. Glad Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan talked it out, w/o any misunderstanding.

    Loving cinnamon roll Tang Guo and tsundere Qi Sen CP 😍

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. Ah he even fooled me! And here in the last chapter, I thought he was actually self-harming…hahahaha welp.