Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 53


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Translator's Note

losing out on what should have been profitable

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  1. Ok…in the last few chapters YC would check Yang Anyu’s wrist for scars. Is Yi Chenyan reborn? Did the original body owner have a habit of cutting himself? This is really confusing but I’m sure its a major plot point. Very interesting.

  2. Maybe drop out of filming this? I think that it is not healthy to put yourself in that situation… but I know it is going to continue :((

    thanks for the chapter <3

  3. Augh, I can feel dread and some angst creeping up on me. Thank goodness YC was there to stop him. Hnng, things like harming oneself just once can get extremely out of control. wuwuwuwuw YA, stay strong!

  4. Oh no, baby whats going on. |ૂ•ㅿ•̀ )

    Im so worried for Yang Anyu, is the original host trying to fight back to claim the body? Thankfully Yi Chenyan is there to keep an eye out. Thanks for the chappie.

  5. Nooooo… Why is this happening 😭😭😭.. I thought this would be all warm and fluffy (╥﹏╥)….

  6. AAAKH!!! NOOO

    thank you for the chapter but PLEASE give us the next soon, my heart is in chaos (╥╯﹏╰╥)

  7. aww, I’m sad and a little bit excited with the angst involved. I am looking forward for more!

    Thank you for the translations! 😘

  8. Yang Anyu – this film has an interesting plot but not such for your mental health 😔

    Plus Tang Xiao and his new Manager will probably make things worse 😟

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  9. I… I don’t know what to feel. It’s like I’m uneasy and there’s this feeling something bad is gonna happen.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  10. This chapter was very sad idk how to describe the feeling I avoided the movie plot for mental health matters but still felt quite down reading the last parts wth with our MC?

  11. Isn’t the old/original Yang Anyu seems to be doing same? I mean self-harm, because Yi Chenyan constantly checked his wrist for scars since they confessed to each other

  12. This movie Anyu joined screams bad news.

    Is the movie’s plot starting to affect him? Maybe there’s 2 Anyu’s inside of him fighting for dominance? Maybe the old owner of that body used to do self-harm?

  13. Damn… I really like this story, and this section is so realistic. I have bipolar, so I’ve also experienced self-harm before. It’s frightening after the fact, and surreal when it happens. I feel so bad for people going through intense emotional turmoil, sigh. Some authors deal with mental illness badly, like they make up some bullshit from rumors online but don’t portray mental illness realistically. This author has created some very nuanced characters and it’s nice to see.