Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 34


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Translator's Note

means attracting people by exposing skin, in this case, Anyu’s chest

Translator's Note

this saying is actually the official media making people misunderstand that there are sparks between two characters even though there isn’t

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  1. Nooooo… ahhhhhhhhh 🤦🏻‍♀️

    I can already hear Yang Anyu crying because “Yi Chenyan must be interested in JZ and that’s why he’s going back to music”….. Yi Chenyan had better compose him an entire album!! Thanks for the chapter♡

  2. Am I seeing Qi Sen and Tang Guo CP vibes?!

    Yi Chenyan has been perverted hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. So cute! Yang Anyu worries about Yi Chenyan before himself. I hope all the couples get together and end the novel happily. Thanks for the update!

  4. *[“I just can’t continue watching this anymore.”

    Tang Guo hung his head low as he mumbled this sentence. He thought that no one would care; in any case, the serious Qi Sen was usually disinclined to bother with him. Who would have guessed that, this time, Qi Sen moved from beside him and suddenly block Tang Guo’s front?

    “Then hide behind me.”

    Tang Guo was instantly dumbfounded: “…”

    Why did Qi Sen’s over 190cm stature look more like a bodyguard compared to a certain someone?]* I– kind of want to ship them together whether it’s cannon or not~!

  5. Eeekkk!! 😆😆😆 The fan girls and I are the same. Had same thoughts!! Senior Yi has mastered reading smut in public with a straight face like any good fujoshi/fudanshi. But does he turn pink & silly with the fluff? Haha 🤣 can’t wait to see how they get together

  6. Hm. I see Tang Guo and Manager Qi interaction, I point “I SHIP YOU TWO NOW!”

    And Brother Li Ye’s inner monologue is 😂😂😂