Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 33


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Translator's Note

These two fanboys…

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  1. Nooo! Why are you thinking like that, Yang Anyu!? 🥺

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. Yang Anyu should talk things through and not Just decide all on his own.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. the divorce isn’t necessarily a bad idea! i think it would be sweet if they started off fresh as friends, become boyfriends, and then have one of them formally propose after fully falling in love with each other. defeintely has to be a corny proposal. the cornier and sweeter, the better. it has great potential! but i dont think ML would think the same way TT thanks for the chapter

    • Same thoughts like they have to carved out their own love story… I think it’s the ideal thing to do… i wanted the MC to do divorce since the beginning he shouldn’t have hesitated… Cause they’re love less marriage. And the pitiful OG too should have given justice.. like he just wants to be love but unfortunately people misunderstood him. So if they wanted to be together they should start a knew

  4. Yi Chenyan needs to up his game, then Yang Anyu will no longer have doubts.

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  5. Yi Chenyan is not going to agree to a divorce. He will probably use that IOU. Good luck, Yang Anyu! Keep working hard! As for big brother… try your best, I guess. Haha! Thank you for the update!

  6. More people are going to ship YA and YCY after watching this show 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂