Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 35


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  1. I cant with Yang Anyu lolol. He couldnt think of anyone but his corgi to kiss ahhhh Xiao Yu is really too cute!

  2. Yang Anyu on an emotional roller-coaster: from divorce to first kiss 🥰

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. That director is really sharp! He knew Yang Anyu was thinking of his Pet hehehe

    Ahhhhhhhh Yi Chenyan kissed him! Yang Anyun’s soul is about to fly off.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Go on Yi Chenyan!! Get your husband and show him you like him too!

    Come on Yang Anyu, open your eyes and read the room. Yi Chenyan is head over heels for you!

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  5. I would have wanted to get a conclusion to their earlier misunderstanding before this, but we’ll make do~

  6. I don’t know what is my final reaction about this update 😩😖😬😚

    Thank you for the update!

  7. Ahhhh!!!!!!

    Will they be seen? Will they be seen?! Will they be seen?!!!!!!!


    The moment we’ve all been waiting for

    Thx for the chappy

  8. I’m going to say this now: if he misunderstands it for the “kind guidance of a senior” I’m gonna SCREAM.


  10. AHHHHH. Yi Chenyan totally took advantage of Yang Anyu. They should just confess to each other, go on a honeymoon, and then make more movies! Thanks for the update!

  11. kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ ❤❤❤ my little heart can’t take it aaaaaaaahhhh my cp is officially official! tearsofjoy.jpg TTvTT Yanyu! Fighting!

  12. Su Qinjia being treated as KeKe: Yes ah, I am a single dog. 😂 #Relatable

    ChenYan had to make his feelings apparent more since he is the one keeping OG AnYu at arm length before. How could AnYu had the confident of him suddenly falling for the recently transmigrate him. Since AnYu is transparent enough 😆.

  13. internally and externally screaming!!!!



  14. Syempre! Hindi papayag itong si Film emperor natin na may ibang makaunang humalik kay Anyu! At syempre ako rin hindi papayag na iba ang makauna grr charot! Ako rin Chenyan, paturo rin humalik 👉😗👈

  15. I wished YAY just directly asked YCY if he like him and then choose to divorce. They are already married, there is nothing more awkward to ask. I don’t like people making decision for others thinking that it’s good for the other.

  16. THEY KISSED!!!

    HAHAHAHA not me thinking that it was deliberate like Chenyan just wanted Anyu’s first kiss! Fight me! Hahahaha