Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 67.2


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  1. Lmaoooo Shi Qing is such a vixen!!! Ahh!! QYS is caught in his honey trap but he won’t want to escape any time soon~♡ I can’t wait for more sugary dog food and face slapping!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. I want to kneel down and call Mc daddy 😅

    Really I love this novel and always wait for updates everyday

    Thanks for your efforts ❤❤

    • Indeed! Even us readers from outside can’t help but kneel at Shi Qing’s shameless schemes. I totally understand Qin Yunsheng’s speechlessness and muddleheaded feeling- Anyone in his shoes would be swept off by such a deep honey trap too ahahahaha

  3. Shi Qing put “Shameless” to shame tsk tsk tsk 😆😆😆

    Thank you for the update!

  4. Ahh vixen Shi is truly amazing. I bow before the Empress, this concubine cannot match your charm and eloquence 😝😝

  5. Shi Qing knows how to change faces really fast! Hehehe Qin Yunsheng has fallen.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Uhhh…This speed of changong face is really fast, don’t you think?

    Pffft! Hahaha! Our ML can’t seem to begin to undestand what to do with the little sticky cake Shi Qing! 🤣🤣🤣

  7. 😂😂😂Shi Qing’s cuteness attack is too overwhelming for our ML, so he can only bear with it! Lolz he’s shameless to the max!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  8. Seriously… Who is QS before. He’s like a pro scammer, pro hacker, pro actor…. 😌

    Not that I hate it… He’s such a mysterious person.