Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 55.2


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  1. LMAO TX, its ok. Just join the trash(fujoshis and fudanshis) and we will take care of you~ just need to watch by the sidelines, ok?

  2. Lmaooo TXY is a newbie to this side, she had to learn the hard way not to get involved lol XD she’ll get the hang of it soon enough! And Mama Shi is so cool~♡ The dog food was very sweet today!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  3. she could become the protagonist of “kiss him not me” if she was a side-line fan~

    thank you for the chapter!

  4. You’ll get used to it girl, it’s best to lovingly watch them from a distance~

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  5. I laughed so hard reading this one, so enjoyable !! Poor sweet girl , we understand you <3

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Lmaoo I love Tong Xinyu! She’s so funny and tries her best to help her male gods hahahhaa also Shi Qing’s mother is the best!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. It was also true that it caused her little heart to pound for no apparent reason.

    Cause you already have fujoshi heart

  8. I suddenly picture TX hiding under the car and it’s a bit scary. She’s such a good girl 😁

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  9. Aiyaaaaa, I just want to pat Tong Xinyu on the head!! And, and maybe inquire why she lingered so long on that mental description of Shi Qing’s mother 😏😏😏

    Thanks for the chapter 🤩😍🤩

  10. Tong Xinyu worked Hard… In vain. Hahaha.

    Shi Qing’s mom can be a little indifferent, but she his mom after all. It’s good she approves of their relationship.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. TXY is a loyal fujoshi. Shi Qing’s mom is cool lol. I could see him dote on ZJ as a perfect daughter in law.

    Thanks for the chapter

  12. lol was TXY referencing 他一定更愛你 at the end?love that song so much (though it’s almost as old as I am XD)

  13. aaaghhhhh THEY.ARE.SO.CUTE!

    TXY baby hope you’ll get used to their pace sooner or later~

  14. Many thanks for the updates!

    Aww, Tong Xinyu really tried hard to protect them, it was nice : D

  15. TXY don’t need to worry at all. Who is the person we’re talking about? It’s THE ONE AND ONLY, God of Plotting, Shi Qing after all.

  16. TX first rule of the club… WATCH. Just watch by the sidelines. Just let their love add some spice no need to interfere….but in SQ case its fine to just let them be, hes to OP

  17. how is it that in the beginning I used to dislike tong xinyu but now I feel sorry for her…poor xinyu… 😆

    shi qing is being such a …..emotional bully…damn😆

    oh well, the ml and mc of this novel really suit each other…are they trying to outdo each other in who can scheme the best or something…😅

  18. Poor TX! She is just so cute aaaaaaaaa



    T you for the update 💕

  19. Poor Xinyu~ You’ve been fed too much dog food XD

    I’ll be happy to eat some of that dog food for you, I mean, look at how much dog food those two are giving!!!

  20. I really like the story. its jst that i get the feeling that the author got a favouritism with the MC like he is too perfect of a character,perfect son, perfect friend, perfect boyfriend and to top it he evn shines in the eyes of his FIL that every other character think that ML is not worthy of MC and more importantly evn Ml himsef thinks so😐. Its kind of disturbing coz not just the MC but with him evn the ML was reborn so both are considerably MCs. They both shud be treated equally not just the ML being treated like a rich and horny high schooler. Not that i don’t love the Mc. I like the Mc and Ml together…they were really on sync, just that still felt like something was missing and doesn’t fit…mayb i have regret coz its was too good of a story. Just too some of perfectism by the author left me being unsatisfied.😔

    Other than that it was a fun ride..i really loved it😍

  21. Pffffttt!! I love that surprise! You sneaky little child, scaring your boyfriend like that hahahahahh

    Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  22. It’s okay Tong Xinyu we know your hardships, you did your best but don’t worry let’s just cheer for Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli’s relationship and be happy with Mother Shi’s blessing lmao.

  23. Tong Xinyu: finally opens the world of fujodanshi

    hmmmm. this world is the easiest arc out of all the four and kinda not too exciting…

  24. Awww Tong Xinyu is such a nice girl! Reminds me so much of my old classmates loool their crushes end up being gay but they’re just supportive 😂

  25. Ahhh tong xinyu is soooo cute!!!!! She tried SOOOOO hard! At the last scene, I can almost imagine her face with ‘ am I a freaking joke to you’ written on it lololol..

    Tong tong, marry me! Forget male gods, I’ll make you my goddess!!!!!

  26. Aiyooo… Poos TX. She’s trying to be a caring person, but her efforts goes to waste. But at least she get to see the whole scenario first hand! 😆

    And it seems like she’s gaying over SQ mum! 😛