Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 134.1


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  1. I love the steward, he’s scared of Jiang Bieyu but doesn’t think that guy’s wrong. Seems kinda like a nutcase villain, chaotic neutral, but that makes it even funnier to me. Ah, so funny… 😂

    And thank you for the chapter!💕

  2. Don’t scared him, the simple servant too much ah Jiang beiyuu….he just want to work to have a wife ahh…😅😂😂 thanks for the chapter!!

  3. lol the steward really scared the little poor human being😂😂😂

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. The steward is scared but thinks it’s normal for Jiang Bieyu to kill them??? Shi Qing’s level of pampering has broken through the heavens..

  5. Although I’m not a fan of Shi Qing forcing his man to drink vinegar I can’t deny that it is quite amusing.

  6. Oh God that poor un-named servant, he was cursed the moment he left home for the Shi family estate.

    🪦👏 May your soul rest in peace-

  7. I hope Shi Qing compensates this poor servant with a good wife ah. Poor guy, his life seemed to have become as tough as his looks. 😂😂😂

  8. Do not worry, if you will be obediently following ML you can have money, wife and children

    thanks for the chapter~

  9. Ah this guy is innocent. Please give him a wife k? Have mercy JB.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  10. Forget the shi family master and young master, their servants alone can make you cough blood. Poor new bodyguard😂😂

  11. “He asked someone to gag the merchant at night so people nearby wouldn’t be disturbed by his screams.

    Thoughtful, right?”


    Poor servant, I pray for your future.