Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 134.2


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  1. It would be exhausting to act so bratty for so long I feel.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. A well-made pervert ey of course i still relish SQ’s inner thoughts XD

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Not part of your plan? Shi Qing, when did this guy ever leave you before he wasn’t sure that your eyes would forever stay on him and never stray to anyone else? Of course he’d make sure that you remember him before he goes! And that you see him differently from… just a pet. Or a servant. Uh, though I am happy to get some action in this arc, finally. Just… not a fan of noncon, not even when MC just acts like he doesn’t want it, even if it’s appropriate in this situation considering their status….

    Anyway, thanks for the chapter!

      • I second that. Dub-con, non-con, etc is enough reason for me to stop reading. I’ll take a short look at the next chapter and if I don’t like what I see, I’ll do the same as last arc: skipping

        (last arc I just didn’t like his “tsundere” personality.. And his whole persona. It was just too much… sighs

        When will this idiot finally fall for his husband and stop playing with him..

        And why am I being reminded of “Who touched my tail?!” ?

        • I understand what you mean. The whole „I like him but if he can’t figure that out from how much I’m hitting him then it’s his own fault“ is… annoying. Especially since I don’t like misunderstandings that drag on for forever…

          Also, I have the feeling that the arcs have started dragging on. Not that it’s not fun, it just takes time… Though it’s a lot better than that one novel where the mc takes care of a scum gong, that was so abusive reading it is basically masochistic. After that, reading Accidental Mark felt like eating cotton candy, so sweet and fluffy!

  4. Ahehehe when was shi qing not a pervert? 😂 as far as I know, he was a pervert from the beginning

    Thank u for the chapter~ shalalala



    Kidding aside, does this mean he’ll do something (or already doing) out of the line to make himself renewed in Shi Qing’s perspective of him? Then he’ll go to war and come back to Shi Qing and finaly cage him?

    I LIKE IT.

    Thanks for the chapter, translator!!

  6. Heh. I like how every arc, MC is slowly losing grasp over his plans… Hehe.

    Every arc, we’re getting nearer to see MC cry!!! Cry!!! Cry!!

    Oh heavens, will that time really come? When will it come? 🤭

  7. Shi Qing like, wohoo 2year wait is enuf! Let me have it! ╰(´︶`)╯♡ haha , thank you for the chapter