Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 139


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  1. Hahahaha does Shi Qing want to resolve this with cat therapy? Hahaha suddenly reminded me of DSF

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Is he gonna do the – I’m tryna built up resistance- scenario (so that his weakness is not there)

    I can sure see our protagonist enjoying this hehe

  3. Hm… I can see Shi Qing taunting our ML for the first few chapters, only for the ML to take advantage near the end. Either way I’m really looking forward to this arc! Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Ahahaha my goodness this is too much for my heart 😂 a TAIL!!! (kinky ohohoho)

    Thank u for the chapter! (* ̄︶ ̄*)

  5. Shi Qing: Me likey

    Me: Me likey likey likey ♡ ♡

    Shi Qing: I’m going to give you two choices….

    Me: Yes, or…. Yes!