Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 140


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  1. lol SQ is just over here getting his rocks off with someone who just wants to kill him. For now.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Mc really knows how to keep readers huh 🙂

    Ml don’t flatter yourself, mc just really likes being overstimulated

  3. Maybe his weakness would be snow or ice? Since it’s slippery on the ground and his limbs won’t move as fast due to frostbite or numbness? OwO

    Thank you for the chapter! >w< this arc seems like a lot of fun kekeke

  4. Lol, better than the mermaids one? Lol , can see how much kinky fun ShiQing gonna have in this world. Thank you

  5. As expected from our MC. What I love about him is he was not looking at the bad side of his situation in every world,but rather he looks forward to it and try to do his best to overcome the challenges.