Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 116


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Translator's Note

妲己 – a favoured consort of a king in Ancient China that led to the downfall of that dynasty


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  1. Lol Shi Qing sure is hungry, good thing ML knows the perfect way to fill him up🤭

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don’t have other words than I feel sorry for SQ 🤣🤣🤣

    P.S thank you for the chapters~

  3. At first I wanted to call MC ‘scheming bun’, but in the end I call him ‘patience bun’

    Seriously, in his place… well, I definitely don’t have such amount of patience🤣

    thanks for the chapter~

  4. What ‘papapa’? There wasn’t even ‘pa’ yet 😂

    I could feel SQ’s frustration here… I bet he will annoy Chen Yunling about this lol.

    Thanks for the chapter

  5. I’ll make some ‘noodles’ is pretty suggestive already 🤣 Don’t tell me Pres. Tan didn’t realised what he said 🤦‍♀️ And thanks for the cute chapter 👍🏻♥️

  6. Silently wipes tear.

    I feel a little bad, Shi Qing is trying so hard not to OCC, but his lover can’t get the hints. Maybe he should try something riskier, or wait until his lover couldn’t hold it in anymore… Sigh, maybe he should resort to jumping on him like that one time?

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

  7. Dramatically wipes tear.

    I feel a little pity for Shi Qing, he is trying so hard not to OCC, but his lover doesn’t seem to get the hint. Maybe he should use somethin risckier? Like going a little OCC, or waiting until his lover can’t hold himself anymore? Sigh, poor, poor Shi Qing and his oblivious President Tan.


    Thank you for the chapter.

  8. Someone please have mercy and feed that pour and hungry soul… He is dying… This has taken a new level of frustration… Aaah…

    Thank you for the chapter!!!! 😘😘😘❤️

  9. [The commenter you are reading is dying with laugh. Please call her again later, or send a message in reply column.]

  10. I almost cursed, President Tan, what the **** ***** **** are you doing?!?!?!?! He’s also feeling it, yet he does nothing???? Shi Qing, your character setting still allows you to jump at him now that he’s officially yours!!!!!! MY F*CKING GOD!!!

    Ok, I vented, thanks for reading, I really like this story : )

  11. Shi Qing I have got an idea for you. While sleeping pretend that you’re dreaming about doing erotic things with your uncle and moan loudly.

    I don’t see any other way except this to let the thick brained ML know without being direct. 🤦‍♀️

  12. Yes, yes- please don’t forget to ‘eat’ properly, k?

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!!

  13. I can’t believe nobody commented on tongtong trying to encourage date rape SYSTEM YOU’VE BEEN RUINED DELETE ASAP XO that is not the old fashioned way! It is crimes!!