Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 117


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Translator's Note

To wear a green hat means that your partner is cheating on you

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  1. Ahhh so Ucle arc is over!! Gonna miss CYL!!! Kinda funny how Uncle wanted to come out yet his chances were always refuted lol!

    Excited for the next arc! Shi Qing is gonna act super spoiled (again, like always) He’s so funny

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Yesssssssss~~ I’ve been waiting for this, unfortunately the mtls for this arc were completely illegible but no I get to read it!!! thank you, thank you, thank you for the chapters!!! OTL

  3. hehehe

    he likey


    Thank you for the chapter.

    The ending of the arc tho…

    anyway now i apparently understand that point in summary, the one about “After every world he put down his feelings”.


    anyway, supar look forward to the next arc

  4. SQ: task? Whatevs, I’ll get to it. First let’s find me a sexy man.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. How many times more are we going to see them get separated of dying 😢 I cried a little though I know they’ll meet again 😢😢 And Shi Qing LOVES him A LOT it seems 😌 Anyway, thanks for the chapter 👍🏻♥️

  6. And this arc comes to an end. It made me a little sad, reading the part they say their farewells. How does he do it? Shi Qing, i mean, get over his feelings every time, so he can catch new ones?

    Hah, i think it’s better to set questions for later. Let’s just go with the flow, and see this new arc and what it will give us.

    Thank you for the chapter.

  7. “He likey”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god, that’s so cute!!!

    Thank you for the chapter and take care, lovely humans!!! (Or other wonderful beings!!

  8. How did he die at 70!!! He led a very healthy life, I can’t help but feel sad that he died so early…

  9. I really like Tan Mingjin, he’s so innocent despite his business acumen hehehe me likeyy

    This arc gave me the most and loudest laughs throughout the novel 😂 SQ can mess around with being totally unreasonable and not even trying to be ‘normal’ because he there’s the prop and the protag just needed to see him as harmless little brat

    wish there’s more explanation about how the little Shi Qing is controlled, because sometimes Big Shi Qing’s caught off guard or is turned on but Lil SQ doesn’t reflect it. The system stuff is also not seen, I think that’s why I want to see him take a break, I want to see more about how the system world works

    I hurt inside when they were separated, when uncle keep saying he’ll be his uncle forever while thinking he’ll have to live out his life aloneeeeeeeeee and when they had to be lowkey because they have been uncle-nephew for so long — that Tan Mingjin’s last concern is that no one knew their relationship!! 😭 They’re not even related!!!! I’m so frustrated on that end

    Author doesn’t mention it, but I feel like ML is getting attracted to SQ faster, the love is not reflected on the animosity value. It’s nice it’s not insta-love and their progress is not exact copy paste each arc though!!

  10. Ehhh is this the 1st time ,that the power bottom actually can’t stand the 5 hrs driving. It’s is because this time his body is weak? Anyway,awww so bittersweet that ML want to let the world know they belongs to each other but ShiQing probably protect his reputation so they just let it out not till the end. Ohh new arc big bad wolf! Me likey too😎Thank you for the chapter.

  11. I honestly didn’t read this as avidly as I did the prev. arcs. Most likely because I did not like the little SQ trope as the guide point for the ML to discern SQ’s feelings. Like a changes in color aura or something more unique than the authors constant metaphors of beauty by attributing it to vulnerability. Granted, it’s fine for it to be used, however, there are other devices the author can utilize more without using something that suggests a covert nod to infantalizing a supposed love interest.

    Well, I suppose going with the reoccurring theme that the author’s formula for attraction is the same a every other QT I’ve read. It’s an okay trope and I understand it’s a well-known trend. Maybe there’s just something about the writing that unnerves me. Or maybe because I was thrown back by the use of a fantastical trope in a modern setting. Where even the supposed main character don’t have an access to. It’s just too obvious how everything is too easy in this novel. Though I was alright with the prev arcs being very easy but that’s because those are mostly fantasy or has some magical elements in it. And I was interested with how SQ dealt with the prev arcs set in a modern setting by manipulating the views of third persons. After all, it does carry with it the titular phrase “Everyone knows I’m a good person”. Those are all good. In the arc with the Siren, the main chara there lives in an apocalyptic world where mythological creatures are rampant. So an obvious magical boost from the system would fit, though it wasn’t used.

    Here, this is the frst time something purchased in the system is used. But it’s used in a way that undermine s the previous style of SQ. Now, before we start praising his acting skills, we should keep in mind that he has to do that. Or else if he OOC something-I-don’t-remember will happen. (Srsly, the stakes are too low in this novel.) What I am impressed with about SQ is his ability to subvert one’s perception of him, how he whitewashes himself through his own plan. So a system device that reveals his ‘inner’ feelings is just frustrating. I felt that there can be something else the author could use.

  12. What TF.. Shi Qing found his target ‘a broad-shouldered, slender-waisted man valiantly riding a horse’ 😂😂

  13. I cried at the end of the CEO Uncle and Spoiled Nephew arc while I’m still not done from sniffling, the last part made me laugh at the same time🙂

  14. after so many worlds, it’s only now that shi qing’s mood fluctuate before a new arc huh

  15. Congratulations on the uncle nephew arc! More lifetimes to spend together please and geez our ml managed to make Shi Qing cry lmao 😳💗

    I also likey someone who can ride horse and has a valiant image huhu 😭

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💕

  16. its the first time that one of them died first, it must have affected shi qing even a little bit

  17. This time the arc a little bit sad coz the ML have to leave MC earlier…

    But what does Yunling means that SQ protect TM all this time?

  18. The part where the ML closes his eyes. And SQ plant a kiss on his forehead, this picture is so beautiful, yet so sad… He really love his partner/husband genuinely in all the arc….