Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 110


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  1. Alright, fine.

    Apparently I’m transparent now.

    — me whenever i tell a really sick joke and nobody laughs 🥲

    thank you for the chapter~!

  2. “Cheng Yunling: …I’m going to beat him to death.“

    Is it bad that my first thought was ‘Go for it’? Like how funny would it be if she actually tried to throw hands 😂

  3. Yup, exactly- that’s what you are. Want me to google how to change your name? I’m sure you’ll be done soon.. in a couple months.. or years..

    Anyway, thank you for the chapter and take care!! Have a great day/weekend!!!!

  4. Lol girl read the room. Good luck to the “two-timer” in her new and budding relationship. May she be complimented and cared for ahhahaha.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. tsk tsk in front of those two even important people will become transparent let alone you a nth side character

  6. Someone should give Cheng Yunling a reward for dealing with Shi Qing this whole time and not beating him up yet. I wish her a happy ending~