Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 111.1


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  1. hope cheng yunling explained shi qing’s reason for his behaviour to her boyfriend so there wont be any misunderstandings or smthng

    “ya he just doesn’t want me to be his aunt so he’s cockblocking me and his uncle” lmao

  2. I’m absolutely cackling over how all this looks from her perspective. This cranky rich dude is trying to prevent a relationship between her and his uncle (someone she isn’t interested in and who isn’t interested in her) and the rich brat does that by pretending to like her and feeding her enough to make her gain a few pounds in a few days. And then when she actually gets a boyfriend she isn’t even able to avoid the wealthy cockblocker

  3. For some reason, i can’t help but think about one of these ‘secret double date’ situations, and i barely managed to keep my voice down. Shi Qing is truly cunnning, using his time to enchant both the ML and this world’s MC.

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

  4. I think I need the list of foods SQ has been feeding CY ’cause gaining 5 pounds in a few days is the kind of magic that I need 😌 Idk why it’s so easy for some ppl to gain weight and for the others it could be as hard as climbing Mt. Everest 😵 Anyway, thanks for the chapter 👍🏻♥️

    • Same. It’s very difficult for me to gain weight also. I eat a lot, you see, and I also like snacking, but it’s like there’s a black hole in my stomach, my body skinny like a walking skeleton. Yes, a walking skeleton, not skinny like those korean girlbands.

  5. Why bother when you’ll get nothing for it in the end? Just forget it, dear cheng yunling..

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!! Have a a marvellous day or night, whichever one!!!

  6. … is he say’s “Are you all Blind?!! Can’t you hear me coughing so loudly”…

    But people need ears to hear you coughing, even blind would hear you. Shouldn’t she be saying “Are you all deaf?!! 🤔🤔