Escape the Infinite ChambersCh79 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (X)


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  1. Thanks so much for this chapter! I really love Escape the Infinite Chamber! Can’t wait to see how the identity replacement will develop!

  2. well, this mc is kinda not really bright, hopfully he will become a bit smarter ahh

    would be shame if he doesn’t

  3. he is a nice cousin ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

    stalker, stalker, with are you planning…

    thank you for the chapter!

  4. Hahaha True.. but I believe it was XY who tend LJ’s wounds.. and that there’s a special meaning between the ouroboros tattoo ahahaha eiii this is really exciting!! And Ah Lan.. hahaha I wonder if what door lead him to ❤❤❤❤ kyaaaah~

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  5. I f in know what XY want to do!!!!!!!! this is a joint tomb…..the owners of the tomb love each other…..he makes LJ the owner of the ghost tomb…… while he(i assume) will be the god tomb owner? and then they can be lovey-dovey?lol I have no idea

    • If XY will be a player then he needs to take LJ’s identity thus LJ will become a stalker. And as a weak stalker LJ will be thrown aside by the chamber

  6. A guy like Specter is a man I should marry😭💓 like he really adores Ah Jian so much. And to XY, goodluck getting Specter’s approval now that he disapproves of you hmmp