Escape the Infinite ChambersCh80 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XI) 


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Translator's Note

so much luckier: specifically, the author did not say this, but the literal translation is: his luck value is higher than LJ’s. But it wouldn’t really make sense here, so I altered it to ‘so much luckier’ instead.

Translator's Note

I just escaped normally: What Ah Lan had said instead, literally was: I merely escaped in this way. It’s a very Chinese kind of way of talking when you don’t really want to elaborate or didn’t think much of an issue. It could also sound very sarcastic. 

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  1. Yay!! Welcome back Ah Lan!! Aawwww LJ’s cousin is really good~ and kudos to XY for putiing LJ there.. eiiii.. i hope he makes his appearance soon xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Aowuwuwuwuwuwuwu XY making sure that Luo Feng “conveniently” rescues Luo Jian!!!!!!! Wuwuwuwuwuwuwu

    Honestly on team XY not betraying LJ by replacing his identity considering how long it’s been…… (also considering how LJ is his only source of warmth????)

    Thanks for the chapter!!!!!!!!