Escape the Infinite ChambersCh78 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (IX)


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Translator's Note

Arabian Nights – referring to the erotica part

Translator's Note

R18 refers to Restricted 18. It’s kind of like a media censor in China. Below 18 = not allowed to watch certain movies etc. The context is self-explanatory. LOL. 

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  1. Oooohhh.. hmmmm.. yep I agree with you guys.. but I still can’t shake the feeling that XY still had other ulterior motives huehuhue~ so that answers some of the questions floating in my mind.. hmmm I’ll trust XY for now.. but deym his cousin is the best ❤❤❤ i hope he gains the freedom from being a specter soon TvT)/

    But the weapon swap already happened last chamber so.. hmmm..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. I’m really surprised, although I’ll wait to see what else happens before launching any theory!! 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!! ❤❤

  3. I remember they already swap weapons if they swap again 🤔 LJ’s weapon now is already his not the stalker ,,right’? (・・ ) ?

  4. I felt like Xing Yan isn’t malicious towards Luo Jian though. I felt Xing Yan is experimenting with some loopholes right now, and Luo Jian’s identity as stalker is very beneficial right now.. since his partner is Xing Yan someone that is willing to reswap the identity later.