Escape the Infinite ChambersCh176 - Ancient Remains (X)


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Translator's Note

E-Rank luck: this term is a term also known as Lucky E in Chinese slang, but in English, gamers use the term E-Rank luck. The term derived from fate series games. (Apparently I saw someone it was a hentai visual novel game; but I only watched the anime). Not sure if anyone has watched the (anime) series, but anyway, I think it’s a good series to watch?? AHA. The girls are pretty and the boys are handsome. Anyway, the main point is in the gameplay, I think it is common for characters like Lancer to have E-rank luck(the worse ranked luck)… thus becoming a meme. It’s hard to play using characters with E-rank luck, and there are some youtube tutorials teaching people how to play characters with E-rank luck lmao.

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  1. oooh,,, so XY came into contact with the system itself… but not the missing lock :0 maybe the cube is controlling his body, preventing him from moving – aaah LJ, save your man!!! ;A;

    thank you for the update o/

  2. Waaaa what’s with that cube?? Like the one in The Transformers movie? D: it feels quite importance to the queen tho– XY TvT)/ please persist huhu

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  3. Wait is that cube the secret chamber’s heart?? I kinda forgot the description of its heart sigh amnesia goes brr again

    • Correct! That is TR System’s core/heart that Ying and co found. So this is the answer to Ying’s doubt, about why TR System is lenient towards Xing Yan that had become stalker but regained his will. It was because Xing Yan seems to have get a hold of its’s heart. While LJ is searching for the chipped part, the key to made it self-destruct.. Xing Yan hold the heart. Even if it is non-destructable by current technology, I guess anyone will be wary even if a puny weak human hold your heart, so maybe that is what TR System thought too? XY shouldn’t have died here, so immobilising him is a way the system test its control over him? To ensure its dominance?

      So the regret isn’t about LJ? Thank goodness.

  4. maybe the cube is the reason why when he became a stalker he still have his own conscience? he’s different from the other stalkers …

  5. Xinyan found something he shouldn’t have and this is the price he pays TvT, this piece would have been really helpful to LJ