Escape the Infinite ChambersCh175 - Ancient Remains (IX)


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Translator's Note

FFF Inquisition: the term came from the anime Baka and Test. The FFF Inquisition is a group in Class 2-F who punishes those who receive attention and/or affection from girls. They seek to create retribution for such potential romantic connections in order to prevent anyone from receiving the happiness they themselves have been denied.

Translator's Note

Skill points: skill point (plural skill points) (video games) One of the points allocated to a player character, often when leveling up, to purchase abilities on their skill tree.

Translator's Note

502 glue: also known as super glue. 

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  1. Oh noes.. he’ll regret this later ;v;)/

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🥺🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  2. uh oh… will they reunite soon??? i hope they do :((((

    thank u for the update! and i hope you and ur editors have a good year too 🥺

  3. Waitttt something gonna happen to LJ? Don’t tell me he gonna had amnesia again from force of blasting?? Xing Yan ah, even if you put part of your soul/consciousness to warn your past self.. you should know about time paradox, past can’t be changed for the future.. and you should know or you must have known that… you yourself no matter how many time you walked that path, you will take the same action under the “rational” thinking of yours, neverending regret that born later… oh the hateful loop!! When will this ends, I am quite fed up with all this looping! D*mn that ouroboros mark sounded sexy cute and now it truly become cursed and frustrating symbol for me 😅.
  4. I’m trying really hard to ignore the fact that Luo Jian is in a child’s body when he kisses Xing Yan but it still makes me very uncomfortable.