Escape the Infinite ChambersCh169 - Ancient Remains (III)


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  1. *pterodactyls screams intensifies

    They’re so cute aaaah why oh why~ and I hope they all get out alive ;v;)/

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  2. omg are the bugs(?) baddies??? coming to XY and party’s way?? aaaaah LJ and WY go go go ;A;

    thank you for the update !!! and i hope you had nice holiday too c:

  3. Hey hey, isn’t it the future that Ying is talking about? The one that even ships are a living creature? LU JIAN PLS REMEMBER IT!

  4. By LJ thinking, he didn’t thought that perhaps he is in a loop. He actually thought meeting the kiddo ver of him in God and Ghost Tomb chamber is a sign that he succeeded?? So he thought because that timeline he shows himself in front of him, he is a victorious self that found the studio? Either he travelled back to that point after he destroyed TR system (though I am confius did the corridor of time remained when the main system is destroyed? Like, if you destruct a system, wouldn’t it database/ memory suffered the same fate?) or he had went to experience so many timeline and believed that train loop is the junction towards a successful future so he choose that split and believed the version of himself from that point and location to continue?? I felt like what I just wrote is also a type of looping? This is why time paradox and dimensional subject is my weakness. And I freaking hate insects that crawls and invertebrate without legs.. those description gave me goosebumps.