Ex-Husband's CallChapter 43

As it was nearing the final exams, compared to reviewing, the school began to focus more on the mental health of the students – especially in light with what happened to Xiao Keran. Hence, the school leaders paid special care to the senior students’ psychological state than in the previous years.

One and a half months had passed since the 100-day countdown strategic assembly, and before the second assessment examination they held another one. 7FhSg8

The school principal was always the one who talked the most. One should never believe him when he says “I will just say three points” because he can say those three points for an hour and a half.

Tong Qiu was feeling worried and anxious. He suddenly found out that there were also times when he becomes mentally unstable, especially during situations he has yet to encounter.

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But he was also aware that it wouldn’t be good to let himself be carried away by such emotions.The more he felt like this, the more he should fight to remain calm. He was voted last year as “The best police officer’s family member”. If he can’t help, at least he shouldn’t cause trouble.

He stood at the door and palmed the pepper spray in his pocket. He was not sure if it could help when something really happened, but it brought a small sense of security. YINv4W

It was better to listen to Huo Zhixing.

Time passed and it was already 9:30 pm and yet the principal’s speech wasn’t over yet. A small commotion had already started inside the classroom due to the students feeling restless.

Tong Qiu closed the door and addressed the class, “Be quiet. The principal has not finished speaking, you won’t be able to leave until then.”

The classroom quieten again as the students listlessly splayed on their respective tables, anxiously waiting for school to end.


Just as anxious as the students was their class teacher. Huo Zhixing had sent him a message stating he had arrived at the school but the school guard would not let him in, so he could only wait outside the gate.

When he found out the other had arrived, Tong Qiu felt relieved.

The principal said it was almost 10 o’clock and finally announced school was over.

Tong Qiu stood at the door and watched everyone running out cheerfully. He glanced at his wrist watch to check the time and gave Huo Zhixing a call: “I just need to lock the classroom and then I’m on way.” t0dSXe

Huo Zhixing stood at the gate and saw the students rushing out.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you here.”

At that moment, more and more students have gone out. Huo Zhixing hung up and leaned to the side as he waited for Tong Qiu.

Tong Qiu locked the door of the classroom, turned around and walked out. On the way, he happened to meet the adviser of the next class. lFWYui

“Ah, Tong-laoshi! Just the person I was looking for.” As soon as the teacher saw him, he quickly caught up, “Do you have the faculty office key with you? I left my house keys inside, so I was worried.”

Tong Qiu subconsciously glanced at his watch again and said, “Yes, I’ll go and get it with you.”

They went upstairs, walking opposite the current traffic. When they arrived at the faculty office, the teacher immediately saw his keys on the desk.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Thank you so much.” The two took the keys and went back down together. “The closer the exams comes, the more restless I feel for my students.” hJT0KU

Kbcu Hle rwlifv jcv jugffv: “P olcv atja P abb jw wbgf cfgnber atjc atfw.”

Ktf akb mtjaafv jcv kjixfv bearlvf atf yelivlcu rlvf ys rlvf.

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Ca atlr alwf, rjnf obg j ofk ragjuuifgr, jiwbra jii atf raevfcar tjnf jigfjvs ifoa. Ktf qijsugbecv tjv yfmbwf mbwqifafis rlifca jcv ralii jcv atfgf kfgf bcis j ofk ragffa ilutar rtlclcu vlwis lc atf fcalgf mjwqer. Kbcu Hle atbeuta la kjr j ubbv atlcu tf wfa atf afjmtfg, batfgklrf tf kbeiv’nf ofia rmjgfv lo tf kjixfv jibcu atlr gbjv ys tlwrfio.

Since childhood, the supernatural has never frightened Tong Qiu – well, there was hardly anything that scared him. But now he understood that rather than ghosts, humans were the most terrifying. Q5MjkN

The kind of human who had turned into a devil due to viciousness.

“I heard that Xiao Keran’s stepmother divorced her father two days ago.” His neighbouring class’ adviser gossiped, “They should have done that a long time ago! Alas, I feel sorry for Xiao Keran.”

Tong Qiu smiled bitterly. Just as he wanted to say something, he suddenly noticed a bright light ahead of them blinding his eyes.

In recent days, he has become a bit more conscious due to the happenings. At first he thought he was just being overly paranoid, however when he saw a man in black and wearing a cap coming towards them, he slowed his pace. pnwCYd

“What’s the matter?” The person beside him asked in surprise.

The other person may not notice, but Tong Qiu clearly saw the knife in the man’s hand. Huo Zhixing had briefly described Zou Kai’s appearance to him, but he didn’t expect for the man to be able to enter the school grounds.

“Xiao-laoshi, I suddenly remembered there was something I forgot to bring. I have to go back so you should head on first.” Tong Qiu suddenly felt very scared, and he could feel cold sweat run down his back, but he knew it wouldn’t be good to implicate others with his problem.

“By the way Xiao-laoshi,” Tong Qiu added, “My wife is waiting for me at the school gates. When you go out can you tell him that there is something I need his help with? If the security guard won’t allow him entrance, could you help my wife and tell them it would be hard for me to bring it alone?” D2a5Sx

“Ah, okay.” When Tong Qiu got married, his colleagues all met Huo Zhixing. When Xiao-laoshi heard the other had come, he naturally nodded and agreed, “Then I’ll go first.”

Tong Qiu nodded.

While talking, Xiao-laoshi had already walked ahead, while the man wearing a cap was still walking towards him.

Tong Qiu was still not assured. He quickly unlocked his phone and pressed the “1” button, which was the speed dial he specially set for the other when he and Huo Zhixing got married. o3giE4

The man slowly neared, and Tong Qiu kept his eyes on him, nervously wondering whether to move forward or backward.

The man stopped when he was only a meter away and raised his hand to the brim of his hat.

Tong Qiu wanted to sigh. Sure enough, some people were villainous. At night, their eyes would gleam like they were hungry wolves, as if they would open their mouth wide and expose their fangs in the next second and eat him piece by piece.

“Tong-laoshi?” The other person’s voice sounded hoarse with a hint of a smile. BrzZna

Tong Qiu stopped completely. He subconsciously looked at the direction of the school gate.

There is some distance between him and the gate, and Xiao-laoshi was walking in a slow pace.

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“Who are you?” Tong Qiu tried his best to keep calm. “May I know which student’s parent are you?”

The man in front of him chuckled: “Surname Zou, name is Mingkai. Are you familiar with it?” KdQnO

Tong Qiu’s hand was placed behind him, griping tight on his mobile phone. He’s not sure if Huo Zhixing has answered his call by now. The only thing he could do at the moment was to delay and keep Zou Kai entertained until Huo Zhixing arrived.

“Er…Not familiar.” Tong Qiu smiled apologetically, “My class has no child surnamed Zou.”

Zou Kai smiled: “Not familiar? Did Huo Zhixing never told you about me?”

Tong Qiu laughed: “I see, so you are acquainted with my ex-husband?” IGka2t

“Acquainted? We’re more than that.” At this point Zou Kai had dropped all pretences as he boldly showed the knife and brightly fiddled with it in front of him. “We are old friends.”

As a Chinese teaher, Tong Qiu wanted to correct this gentleman’s grammar. The word “Lao Xiang Hao” was not supposed to be used in this way.

But obviously it wasn’t the right moment for Tong-laoshi to hold a class. Instead, he told Zou Kai half-jokingly: “So you’re old friends? Huo Zhixing is too heartless, he never told me!”

“However,” Tong Qiu continued with a smile, “I didn’t expect for my ex-husband to have such strong tastes. He even liked your type.” YqU35a

Zou Kai squinted his eyes and sneered at him, “Stop saying shit! But you are right when you said he was heartless.”

He stepped forward and the tip of the knife touched Tong Qiu’s waist.

“No?” Tong Qiu was already so nervous that he became stiff. He was only a middle school teacher. Since he was a child he has lived a peaceful life, it was his first time encountering such a situation. At this time his legs had become so weak that he almost collapsed, the only thing holding him back was that he didn’t want to lose face. “There should be nothing for you to come at me for. Huo Zhixing and I are already divorced.”

Zou Kai smirked at him and gritted his teeth, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid. I won’t do anything to you until he arrives.” oEwI3b

Tong Qiu frowned in confusion and looked at him.

“You don’t understand? It’s okay if you don’t.” Zho Kai said, “You’ll understand later.”

Tong Qiu glanced back at the gate and saw someone running towards their direction.

There was no need to think about it. That must be Huo Zhixing. 4dpZ9l

Originally, Tong Qui was scared to death, but when looked at the figure getting closer and closer, he slowly felt brave.

He smiled and addressed his capturer, “Brother, you really are willing to do such things for Huo Zhixing? Do you like him so much that you are even willing to scare people with a knife?”

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“Scare people?” Zho Kai leaned forward, his lips almost touching Tong Qiu’s ears, “Do you think I am playing with you here?”

At this time, Huo Zhixing was already near them. From his perspective, Zou Kai and Tong Qiu looked very intimate. i9hfAP

Hou Zhixing’s anger immediately flared up. If conditions permitted, he wanted to break Zou Kai’s bones with kicks so that he won’t be able to get up again.

But he couldn’t be so impulsive. Zou Kai has a knife in his hand, and the tip menacingly faced Tong Qiu.

“Zou Kai!” Huo Zhixing stopped a few steps away from them.

Tong Qiu and Huo Zhixing’s gazes met, and the other smiled at him, reassuring him. stkquy

He pretended to be calm and unaffected, but deep inside his heart was beating fast. As long as Zou Kai was not dead, and Tong Qiu was still in his grasp, he would never be relieved.

“Zou Kai, what’s the matter?” Huo Zhixing frowned and said unhappily, “Weren’t you looking for me?”

Zou Kai’s head was still leaning towards Tong Qiu. He didn’t even face Huo Zhixing as he smiled and replied, “Oh, Officer Huo came very quickly.”

Tong Qiu felt disgusted when he felt the heat of Zou Kai’s breath. He frowned and tried to duck his head away. VO4Sqm

He remembered that every time Huo Zhixing breathed near his ears, it affected him so much his whole body would feel numb. It was because of that that he had always believed his ear was a sensitive spot, but turned out it was only because he felt conscious around Huo Zhixing.

“Could you stay away from him?” Huo Zhixing took the opportunity to exchange glances with Tong Qiu. He took a step forward and asked, “Did you kill Zhou Xiaoyuan?”

Zou Kai’s hand suddenly pressed hard, the tip of the knife piercing Tong Qiu skin, but he didn’t go deeper. It seemed like he planned to push the weapon little by little in order to savour the mirrored pained expressions of his hostages.

Zou Kai finally turned around and sure enough, he saw Huo Zhixing frowning and looking uneasy. g3HATk

He laughed: “Is Officer Huo feeling distressed? Why don’t you take knife the instead of him? Come on, take it out and prick yourself, and then I’ll let him go. Don’t you think this is a better deal?”



Nell’s Corner: dgScZH

An early update because things are now getting exciting hehehe. I’ll do my best to have the next chapter translated soon because you guys aren’t the only ones feeling that cliffhanger hahaha!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

goals Tong Qiu. How to be you and be able to remain calm in such stressing times pls

Translator's Note

“老相好” or good old friend

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  1. THANK YOU, this cliffhanger is vicious!!! The villain has finally appeared!

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

  2. That’s what I said about! ><

    Thank You for the chapter ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)