Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 55


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  1. If he didn’t want to see certain thing, he shouldn’t have been spying. It’s as easy as that. No one has been “led astray,” on the contrary, Feng Fei has improved drastically every since Hai Xiu came into his life.

    Feng Xuan needs to chill and let Feng Fei walk down his own path. Is it about “heirs?” Well, isn’t he in a heterosexual marriage? Then that settles that.

    Thanks from the chapter ❤

  2. Hahahaha so funny 🙂 my cinnamon roll Hai Xiu… Although, big brother has no right to install a camera and invade his little brother’s privacy like that… hmm…

  3. Though the camera was installed in a common place (entry room) accessible to all members of the family, it may still be considered spying or invasion of pricacy when you dont tell the inhabitants you installed them. Right? Naughty naughty big bro 😂😂

  4. Hahahahah Hai Xiu is unstoppable!! Big Bro is speechless lmao thats what you get for interfering in other people’s relationships… but does Hai Xiu recognise that he’s actually sorta telling Big Bro his relationship with Feng Fei??