Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 54


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  1. We didn’t even have P.E classes in my senior year lol. I’d be pissed off if I had to run everyday and was not able to take a bath afterwards. Anyway, thanks for the chapter.

  2. The whole situation is super different for me. Forced extra study lessons? Forced running early in the morning? Forced milk and apple? So weird!

    I’ve just caught up on the whole story.

    Thanks for the translation ❤

    • My highschool was so stuffy with all the restrictions on hair color, hair length (they even cut boys hair on the spot if it’s too long without even caring if the cut was bad), nails, make-up, and we start classes at 7 AM then end at 5 PM (sometimes longer for other activities) but even I think this school is more hellish! That forced studying during holidays is such a pain too like why would you do that to your best students, you’re practically punishing them for excelling 💀 Also hate how they deal with puppy love because why the hell is it the receiver’s fault when they receive a letter 💀
  3. Hahah the running…. idk about this school but for me, everytime we have PE or we had to run we’d come to school wearing sport clothings and we wouldnt be allowed to change after…

    Thanks for the chapterr

  4. Our PE was in the afternoon in my Senior Year. Good thing we don’t run like this anymore and only play badminton/volleyball/basketball at times.