Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 56


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  1. Argh! I wish my brothers would! I’ve taken them on for LESS.

    It’s not his place to speak to him or Hai Xiu about their relationship in such a questioning or negative way. It’s also not his place to put his fucking hands on Feng Fei.

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

    • Yeah… at first i thought he was just overwhelmed and surprised at the beginning (as people mostly are) but i never really thought it would escalate like that… like holy heck can you have some trust in your own brother? He’s grown up now he doesn’t need to listen to you anymore. He has his sense of responsibility! And the beating- wow you slapped him so hard he bled are you happy? Satisfied?

  2. What kind of brother this? He seemed reasonable then suddenly began being physical! Oh well, as an Asian myself, I understand how violent discipline in families are but still… His brother seemed reasonable at first then he began looking down on Feng Fei like what the hell???

  3. Bruh, I kinda understand the FX a little bit. I’m also the eldest in the family and Its not about he didn’t trust FF but its because FF has already a history of not doing well. Although he is starting to change a little bit, still in an Asian family what the family always see is the mistakes of their children. Although I don’t condone violence

  4. this is my second time reading this so, i wanna ask, when did their parents divorce? i have no idea… is it mentioned in the previous chapters?


  5. Aaahk yes i agree. Asian elders are a lot quick handed I guess. I remember getting a beating just because I didn’t say excuse me in front of visitors ah. 🤣 i was such a sore cry baby i threatened to run away from home and got another bunch of beating 🤣